Paranoid Or Just Drama Queening? – IOTW Report

Paranoid Or Just Drama Queening?

These Performative Optics will Backfire.

Patriot Retort: The decision to wall off the Capitol and deploy 25K unarmed National Guardsmen ostensibly to “protect” Biden’s Inauguration has got to be some of the stupidest, most short-sighted performative optics in the history of the country.

Understand, the stated motive behind these performative optics is to create the perception that Trump supporters are so unhinged and dangerous Washington DC must be treated as a war zone to stop an impending “insurrection.”

But like most things Democrats do, these optics are backfiring.

Optics are all about how things look. And these performative optics look like a regime change after a military coup.

Worse still, it was reported yesterday that the FBI is running background checks on all of the Guardsmen deployed to Washington to ensure that none of them are a “threat” (read: support Trump) who might carry out an “insider attack” against the senile old codger who is so wildly popular he garnered more votes than Barack Obama. read more

58 Comments on Paranoid Or Just Drama Queening?

  1. Have them sleep on marble floors for a few days for a non-existent threat. Bad optics. Give them some cots.

    You’re welcome, ya idiots who didn’t do well in school and got stuck in Iraq or something.

    Off from work today so it’s been an eye opener about what crazy whackjob liberal BS is on TV during the day.

    From Kent State to kill those Nazi White Supremacists in MAGA hats if you spot one within 30 miles of DC. You are authorized to use deadly force if you suspect conservatism in pedestrians.

  2. When the government is afraid of the people, there is LIBERTY.

    When the people fear their government, there is TYRANNY.

    …..looks to me that the government is deathly afraid of the people.

  3. Oh, they would call credence during the ceremony…

    I don’t know what I’ve been told
    Biden’s brain is mighty cold

    This is certain to embarrass
    Fuck you both, BidenHarris

  4. Further to the Drama Queening, the impeachment is the same thing. You have to pass the impeachment before you can find out what’s in it. It’s imperative to pass it now, now, now!

    Now, once it’s passed they are going to sit on it until they are I’m the majority in the Senate. Like I said.

  5. MJA
    JANUARY 18, 2021 AT 2:07 PM
    “When does the decimation of the troops begin, O Caesar?”

    …actually, the best know decimation of the troops was done by Marcus Licinius Crassus, who was not a Caesar, but DID have the original, Julius, working for him. The occasion was a punishment for their poor performance in The Servile Wars, because he believed they were too afraid of mere slaves to kill them efficiently, so he figured if their own comrades would SHAMEFULLY kill them that it would stiffen their resolve to stand against Sparticus.

    And it worked.

    …there’s a lot of timely lessons here and not a few parallels, but if you think “the military” is going to save us, just think you on military discipline being so strong that soldiers would beat EACH OTHER to death on command and ask yourself if things have really changed so much…

    Before WWII, MacArthur led the NEW army against the WWI army who had encamped around Washington during the Depression for no reason other than to try to get their promised bonuses early, killing many and scattering the rest.

    After WWII, Stalin felt his victorius Red army had been too tainted with contact with the West, and had THOSE “Heroes of the Soviet Socialist Republic” killed as well.

    …never think they don’t have a plan for dealing with the military.

    Most of them will do what they are told…

  6. As I’ve said before, it helps to have lib friends (OK, maybe not friends, acquaintances) and know their thought process, knowing the opposition is half the battle.

    Many that I know and talk to welcome the National Guard presence, finding it necessary to protect their guy and democracy from the rabble that sacked the capital 2 weeks ago. They have an unflattering opinion of Trump supporters, elitist really, and believe that, left unchecked, those supporters are capable of just about anything. So yes, throw up the checkpoints and barricades and take those weapons off “safety” because Trump has whipped them up into a frenzy. At least that’s the narrative anyway.

  7. Who is President* Elect Joey Obiden Bama kidding? Most of the 75 million people who voted for President Trump are very law abiding citizens. At least 10 million of his voters didn’t know they were voting for Dementia Joe and Kalamity. This fake security play will provide cover for Obiden Bama’s inability to draw a crowd and make a speech during his “Installation” on Wednesday.

  8. I did a quick search to see who’s in charge of Federalized National Guard. I come up with DJT is in charge of them. If someone knows different, please let me know. The fence around the Capital Building is backwards. Capital Building occupants are fenced in. Am I holding out hope for mass arrests? No. I’ve given up. However this is interesting and not being covered by anybody.

    “There is some major chaos going on Globally right now. Where is the MSM? Not 1 major news network is even reporting any of this! They are ignoring the massive military occupation of our country and focusing on a man that doesn’t even know his name. I can’t wait for him to be taken down publicly. SO here is what’s new.

    The Dutch government has resigned. The press gives 3 different reasons. This has to do with Trump cleaning up the swamp and getting rid of the Deep State.

    Estonia’s Prime Minister resigns amid a corruption “scandal”. Which of course he denies.

    Germany’s Angela Merkel steps down. This amount of resignation, going around globally NEVER happens at the same time. This definitely coincides with what is going on right now.

    The entire Russian Government has resigned. They state it is due to Putin’s changes. We know that Putin is an ally of ours, and so I am sure he is working alongside Trump to get rid of the corruption.

    Due to all the arrests in Italy, the government is in complete collapse! This is getting real and all in the last week! “

  9. Trying to set a narrative of how dangerous conservatives and Trump supporters are.
    A step closer to 1st amendment denial.
    Now they’re doing background checks on all the troops. They’re trying to claim there may be insiders trying to cause trouble.


    Is this what it’s gonna be like for the next 4 years?

    Is everything going to be “dramatically over-dramatic”?

  11. Chickity China the Chinese Chicken
    JANUARY 18, 2021 AT 3:13 PM
    Is this what it’s gonna be like for the next 4 years?

    Is everything going to be “dramatically over-dramatic”?”

    …you ever been in a grocery store in line behind a Black woman arguing with a Black cashier over buying cheap wine with an EBT card?

    …it’s going to be like THAT, but televised…

  12. I think it is several things, but it will clearly be used to explain why very few people came to the inauguration.

    The narrative will be immediate that 10 million people would have shown up if not for the threat from Trump supporters which forced a massive security response.

  13. Brad,

    Unfortunately, Trump has been successfully isolated from any real power. His subordinates have been ignoring him, to some level, since his inauguration. After the election, they just turned their backs and began taking orders from the Office of the President-elect.

    Trump’s term highlights the extent to which the Deep State influences and/or controls every branch of government. It did the same to Reagan, though to a lesser extent. (When Bubba came to office, his people immediately began cleaning house among the career ranks, down to the local level. They knew the importance of controlling the controllers. Not that the Republicans don’t know that. They are simply not allowed to do anything about it.)

    The complexities of running a nation as large and prosperous as this one necessitates delegation. So, career bureaucrats in the administration, career aides in Congress and career clerks in lifetime appointment courts ensure continuity of control.

    Who wrote up the list of approved candidates for Trump’s political appointees? Deep State trolls in McConnell’s and other elected Republicans’ offices. The same for court appointees.

    Who writes legislation? Certainly not elected legislators. Legislation is written by congressional aides, in cooperation with lobbyists. In fact, most legislation is drafted first by lobbyists, then presented to aides, who might tweak it a bit to make it more palatable to his/her/its boss.

    Most legislation these days is never read by those who vote on it. They just do what their whip tells them to do. Most legislation these days has absolutely nothing to do with the title of the bill. That’s how a relatively simple bill can grow to thousands of pages.

    Career bureaucrats conspire with lobbyists and activists to get the government sued so an activist judge can do what couldn’t get through Congress or the Administration.

    The last election and events since abandoned any pretense of representation or democracy.

    Last Wednesday has now given the Deep State all the reason they have looked for for over 12 years to now justify isolating government completely from the people. An event that is showing to have been a false flag operation, similar to the Michigan kidnapping conspirators, with the added participation of embedded and disguised Alinskyesque agent provocateurs. (Which was only successful because of a bunch of gullible jackasses.)

    None of this would have been possible without the willing and eager participation of Republicans.

  14. If President Trump has authority over the National Guard and has deployed them, it’s might be possible to expect covert actions that would turn the Bejing Biden and Kamala Kameleon stolen election inauguration into a dragnet operation with commie, leftist operatives arrested and the two Demwit “Elects” under investigation. That would be a dream come true.

  15. Everyone’s missing one obvious explanation. Did any of you see the Biden/Harris campaign rallies? They were empty – no one was there. They’re terrified that no one is going to show up to see Biden inaugurated, which would make for even worse optics, so they’re putting on this show to hide it.

  16. The voting coup will now look like a military coup.
    Visually, it will look exactly like what it is: Government without the support of the majority.

    Incidentally, Canuckistan media is portraying it as the military preparing to fend off a possible attack from Right Wing extremists and armed militia. They are also starting to cry about O’biden cancelling the Keystone XL Pipeline “On Day 1” and the the severe impacts on the Canadian economy. Turdo cancelled and obstructed several Pipelines but that was fine!!!

  17. MJA
    JANUARY 18, 2021 AT 5:33 PM
    “biden will change the national anthem to whatever’s on jill’s ringtone.”

    …if its up to Biden (and its not), it would be changed to his interpretation of the “Barney the Purple Dinosaur” theme.

    “I love you,

    You love me,

    You’re not gonna tell mommy,

    That I touched you there
    In your special little place,

    You drank Bidens milk and didn’t like the taste.”

  18. I see the Russian government resigned in January 15, 2020, when Putin arranged to be president for life or something something. See nothing about 2021 Russian government resignations.

  19. This isn’t new news is it?

    In October 2018, Merkel announced that she would stand down as Leader of the CDU at the party convention, and would not seek a fifth term as Chancellor in 2021.

  20. I’ve never seen so many misguided remarks. The troops and the guard are under the control of President Trump. The Dems wanted them there, just as President Trump predicted. They are armed and loyal to the President. This was a bad move for the Dems.
    D.C. is now Occupied Territory. The Military will intervene. Get ready, something big is going to happen.
    @AC Parker, Trump has full control and has not been isolated from power. You will have a completely different understanding soon enough.

  21. If you’re THAT afraid of millions of people that voted for you, how can you really believe they cast a vote for YOU?
    Unless you’re a silly demented old fool who believes everything you’re told.

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