UK says ‘human error’ wiped 1000s of police computer records – IOTW Report

UK says ‘human error’ wiped 1000s of police computer records

“You mean, like, with a cloth?”

ABC: LONDON — Britain’s policing minister said Monday that “human error” led to hundreds of thousands of DNA records and other data on criminal suspects being erased from the national police computer.

Kit Malthouse told lawmakers in the House of Commons that the mishap occurred during a “regular housekeeping process” on the computer, which holds 13 million records. He said some 400,000 records were wiped, including 213,000 offense records and 170,000 arrest records.

“Clearly this situation is very serious,” Malthouse said, adding that “we will know the full extent of the impact of this issue over the next few days.” more

13 Comments on UK says ‘human error’ wiped 1000s of police computer records

  1. How much do you want to bet the records were a certain special untouchable demographic following a certain “religion”?

    Nah, that would be preposterous…

  2. ACCIDENT……I Call BS.

    Every Major Commercial Computer Center and/or Government Computer Center I have worked in, or consulted for, kept at least 1 emergency Level Zero and a weeks worth of Incremental/Differential backup ONSITE.
    PLUS Multiple Level Zeros and Incrementals Offsite at 2 separate cold sites located states apart from each other.

    Thus avoiding “accidental” HQ Bio-Logical Interface issues (loose nut behind the keyboard) compromises / overwrites and Hacker access.
    Since physical delivery and pickup is needed.

    So anyone care to explain how multiple Weekly Level Zero with Nightly backups could all ACCIDENTALLY get hosed, then add to that GO UNNOTICED for MONTHS by Law Enforcement and their IT Forensic Techs?

    Some Sarcastic Humor….
    Maybe Joe Jr. or some other “important” family member had records needing “special” attention.

  3. Turn out the lights.
    Walk away.
    England’s done.

    And what’s with this “UK” bullshit? EngSoc is about a “United Kingdom” as was the old Soviet Union. What a fuckin waste.

    izlamo delenda est …


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