Katie Couric wants Trump supporters ‘deprogrammed’ – IOTW Report

Katie Couric wants Trump supporters ‘deprogrammed’

She’s so far up her own ass she can’t see the irony.

38 Comments on Katie Couric wants Trump supporters ‘deprogrammed’

  1. What do you expect from the lady who had her own colonoscopy televised on national television? Katie, you’re going to seed….a couple of salads might be in order instead of a couple of pizzas.

  2. What we NEVER hear from these assholes is an honest discussion of the issues.
    Tell me, Katie, why are open borders so good for Americans? Why is shutting off a pipeline so good for Americans? Why are higher taxes so good for Americans?
    They aren’t.
    YOU are the one that needs deprogrammed.

  3. She’s just another one too stupid/brainwashed to realize that she’s got cause and effect completely backwards. President Trump was elected in 2016 (and 2020) by the tens of millions of pissed off Americans. Those tens of millions of pissed off Americans were not made that way by President Trump.

    And we’re more pissed off than ever.

  4. We need deprogrammed says the only job she could get was on Yahoo! You’ve been a has been for many years now, go take a dump, your colon needs cleansing along with your brain.

  5. Col. Katie Couric; why don’t you donate some of those big dollars you’ve made and build some camps for your deprogramming project, be sure to put a few ovens in for any highly resistant strains you need to purge.

  6. You can mock and knock and belittle the celebrities as much as you want but they’re the ones that won, the ones in power and the ones that are now establishing how you will live your life from now on.

    It they’re so stupid and ignorant but got themselves in this position, what does that say about their opposition?

    If you know your enemy and know yourself you will never lose a battle, but if you know neither your enemy or yourself yo will never win one.

  7. I used to like Katie. Now she’s a big mouthed has been with baggy eyes, trying to still be relevant, jumping on the “deprogram THEM” bandwagon. It ain’t gonna happen, broad–not by you or anyone else. Oh, and biden’s unity crap: he can stick it up his a—nose.

  8. Which colonoscopy are y’all talking about?
    The one she undoubtedly got from Matt Lauer’s periscope?

    Convince me that didn’t happen– sure, these creeps make obscene money because of their lofty journalism principles.

    And George Stompycocculus coulda played in the WNBA

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  10. I was upset about her comments until my teenagers commented and I quote “who is Katie Couric anyway? Why would you be upset, mom, she is so irrelevant. No one cares what she has to say.” I thought to myself…they are 100% right!

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