People Are Moving To South Dakota – IOTW Report

People Are Moving To South Dakota

Daily Wire: South Dakota GOP Governor Kristi Noem’s rejection of instituting draconian “lockdowns” because of the coronavirus seems to be bearing fruit. In a survey conducted by United Van Lines in January that tracked customers’ 2020 state-to-state migration patterns, South Dakota ranked fourth in the nation, virtually tied for second behind the state of Idaho.

“Black Hills area realtors and builders say there’s an influx of people who are relocating permanently or buying land in the region — and the trend isn’t expected to slow anytime soon. Newcomers from California, Washington, New York, New Jersey, Washington, D.C., Texas, Michigan, Colorado and Virginia along with Minnesota, North Dakota and Wyoming are leading the trend of relocating to South Dakota, local realtors say,” the Rapid City Journal reported. read more

14 Comments on People Are Moving To South Dakota

  1. Yeah, that’s great but she won’t be governor forever. Sooner or later it’ll be a dem or a rino, then you are stuck with a house up there.

    If you move there, rent. Of course one also has to consider that the lunatics at the federal reserve are going to print so much money that house prices will skyrocket out of sight.

  2. More important targets than South Dakota are being focused on now, but as each of the other targets falls and is conquered the focus will eventually come to focus on it and it will fall as well.

    There is no way to stop it, but it can be delayed a bit if there is an effective strategy used to do it.

    Nothing else.

  3. The problem has always been that the brain dead turds bring their leftist politics with them. See N. Carolina, Montana, and Florida. If given the opportunity, they will ruin S. Dakota next.

  4. When my brother was in the Air Force in the 80s, he was stationed in SD. He hated it there. Hated it. He once told me that if his wife ever wanted to go visit SD, he’d drive her to the border, get out of the car, hand her the keys and tell her she can pick him up on her way back out.

    Last week he said to me, “I like Kristi Noem so much, I’m actually considering moving back to South Dakota.”

  5. Sounds like what the Russian hierarchy does to their dissenters, they send them to Siberia. May as well call SD the Siberia of the US. No thanks, I’ll stay put. Wherever you go there you are. Freezing my ass off isn’t in my plans.

  6. We are already feeling the effect of the liberal influx in Rapid City. They come and bring their money with them and drive up land costs. Then they will screw up the state by voting and supporting the liberal policies that ruined the state they left. It is sad, really, but there is no legal way to stop it. I’ve already seen how the wealthy are changing the culture in Rapid City behind the scenes and importing their own people to help. Not sure how to stop it.


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