Let’s Recall Liz Cheney – IOTW Report

Let’s Recall Liz Cheney

Liz Cheney does not speak for the people of Wyoming we have had enough of these swamp people this petition might not do much but maybe it will tell her we will not sit by and take it anymore     PLEASE DO NOT SEND MONEY IT GOES TO CHANGE.ORG …..NOT ME 


9 Comments on Let’s Recall Liz Cheney

  1. Someone said, “Liz Cheney does not speak for the people of Wyoming…”
    Ahhh actually she was reelected when her war mongering credentials were well vetted. Was she speaking for you than? So yes, she does speak for you now. She’s a perfect Republican.

    The whole Republican Party is a stinking turd and trying to p/u it on the clean end isn’t possible. They are now in their favorite position, taking it up the ass from the dems but complaining that they don’t want the entire dick, just a couple inches.

    FUCK THEM. Let them have the Grahams, Cottons, Scotts, Jordans…these assholes haven’t done a fucking thing for us other than burnish their kabuki theater skillz.

    I want a party of Laura Loomers who when we give them power will crush these commie scum. Oh MM, that’s so harsh. Well we gave them all of Congress and the presidency in 2016 and WTF did they do? They sat with their thumbs up their asses while the dems did everything they could to run Trump’s administration off the rails.

    Butbutbut they held hearings. Fuck me again and call it lemonade

    And compare that time to today with the scum Biden issuing dozens of EOs not only overturning Trump’s policies but that are detrimental to our country. And where’s the loud mouth Jordan now? yeah, counting his google loot.


  2. She was re-elected because she had her nose up McConnell’s ass. He controls the money and decides who gets support. That’s exactly why we keep losing good candidates every election.
    This time Mitch isn’t going to get the alligators off her.


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