Report: Aide Reveals Worrying Instance of Biden Forgetting His Own Words – IOTW Report

Report: Aide Reveals Worrying Instance of Biden Forgetting His Own Words

Western Journal-

President Joe Biden is a difficult man to work for, according to multiple people close to him and an aide who helped write speeches for him during the campaign, Politico reported Tuesday.

The article by national correspondent Natasha Korecki, published a day before Biden’s inauguration, seems to underscore a genuine concern among many both inside and outside of Washington that the 78-year-old has lost a step or two mentally.

Korecki described the speech-writing process for Biden, who has been dogged by speculation about his cognitive health, as one that was cumbersome for those assigned the task during the 2020 campaign.

The Politico report, which some might be stunned was even published, does little to dispel the notion that Biden has lost a few steps since he last served as vice president in January 2017.

While Biden did not do a lot of public speaking throughout his campaign, what little stumping he participated in was often filled with gaffes as well as some behind-the-scenes drama, according to Korecki. read more

31 Comments on Report: Aide Reveals Worrying Instance of Biden Forgetting His Own Words

  1. Donald Trump’s Note to Joe:

    Dear Joseph, Here are a few tips;

    When they say “Mr. President” they mean you.

    The statue of the bald guy in the oval office IS NOT Mr. Clean.

    The secret service agent that scoops your poop when you visit foreign countries is not selling them on E-bay. He is ensuring that no one can infer any health information and what ALS drugs you are on by analyzing your shredded wheat & prune droppings.


    The Real Elected President

  2. When Joey finally just falls over, I want him to be on a stage with Kakamala and take her with him and the two of them land on Rancid Nancy below, with all three dying painfully of strangulation when their mask cords get tangled together.

  3. One minute, they’re telling us what a wonderful, god-like, grandfather santa claus he is, but the next minute they’re wincing and shaking their heads at their high-maintenance dotard.

    I got news for you, journos: It ain’t going to get better when you trade the Joesmobile jalopy in for a shiny new Kamala. She’s dumber than him, and don’t think for one minute you’ll be allowed to make snide remarks about her gaffes. So you’d better suck it up and toe the line. You’re probably going to be stuck with Joe a lot longer than you think, anyway.

  4. Cliche Guevara: “It’s Pinocchi-Joe. Gi-Pedo pulls his strings.”

    I prefer “Kermit the usurper”. Same concept (acknowledging that he’s a puppet, but replacing “the frog” with “the usurper” makes it a double wammy of truth.

  5. So why release this now and not last summer?
    These state media types would rather have a guy who can’t remember his own name than a non establishment guy who actually gets things done.

  6. His Secret Service detail may come up with some colorful names for Joe.

    When he shambles along, I can imagine them saying things like: “Dead Man Walking”, “Zombie Alert”, etc. Maybe call the presidential limo “The Casket”, his private quarters “The Mortuary”.

  7. How many times has Biden said the same? Even the Snopes lying shitbags can’t deny it.

    Them’s jokes they say. Yea.

    How many times did he say he was in the Harris-Biden administration.

    He knows the deal: Fail upward like some corrupt, amoral Forrest Gump to be the stalking horse formamfar left, anti-American agenda. He preaches fake unity while they sharpen the knives.

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