“scraping the bottom of the barrel” – IOTW Report

“scraping the bottom of the barrel”

Tony Heller@TonyHeller

In 1987, when @JoeBiden still had control of his mental faculties, the possibility of his being president was described as “scraping the bottom of the barrel” and “the end of prime-time TV.” 

24 Comments on “scraping the bottom of the barrel”

  1. Pigs can still fly but the fat lady may be singing for America.

    On the other hand the election was stolen and President Trump was cheated (as well as “We the People…”

    Resist we much…

  2. This just proves that Education stopped in the early 80’s as the brain damaged hippies became teachers & Professors and for the safety of these retards Lawn Darts were Banned.

    Stooopidity excused, embraced and now celebrated.

  3. Dismissing an enemy and his potential out of hand is like dismissing a mountain lion prowling the edge of your property by saying to yourself “Oh, there’s no need to worry about him, he’s never come up to the house yet so I don’t need to watch for him”.

    That’s how you end up losing to your enemy, you don’t keep on the lookout for him because you think he is not, can’t be, a real threat. The last election shows how this works.

  4. Quite literally the less than 1% of the population, known as far-left communist activists, are running the country and pushing their BS on the rest of us. We all used to laugh off their ridiculous rhetoric, now we have to live it.

    Stolen elections have consequences.

  5. The swamp chose their toady.
    Speaking of smelly swamp…
    My husband knows the contractors renovating Walker’s Point.
    They had to leave early because guests were arriving to spend a couple of days with W and family.
    Who were those guests who are well liked enough to put up at the family home?
    Why Bill and Hillary of course.

    Makes me sick.

  6. Beachmom,

    Bush and family have always been tight with the Clinton’s, that’s been well known for a long time.

    Party separations and conflicts at the higher levels is just a show to keep their membership in the dark and under control so they stay loyal don’t rise up in rebellion.

  7. ^^^^
    I know but knowing they actually vacation together just confirms the Bushes’ fakery. It’s one thing to go to the same conference or installation of barrel scrapings.
    Makes me even happier Trump beat Jeb! like a rented mule.

  8. When I was a kid they used to tell children that “anybody (translation: even you) can grow up to be President of the United States”.

    I never really believed that until now.

  9. Lunch bucket Joe my aching ass. More like Honey bucket Joe.

    Those across the world that haven’t chose to swan dive off a tall building are rolling on the floor laughing at the stupidity of our self destruction.
    Our enemies have been given a gift they’ve spent decades trying to achieve.

  10. sorry
    Put a line in the name hole.
    Joe was a dumb rich kid in ’87. Now a dumb rich old man.
    I named some of GWB’s liberal GOP who mad Borking of Bork possible. This may help in the archive search SNARLIN


    apoligize for typing error

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