Texas Attorney General to Sue Biden Admin Over “Illegal Deportation Freeze” – IOTW Report

Texas Attorney General to Sue Biden Admin Over “Illegal Deportation Freeze”


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Thursday evening announced he will be taking action against the Biden Administration over its “illegal deportation freeze.”

Biden signed an Executive Order on Wednesday putting a “temporary” 100-day freeze on deportations of illegal aliens.

Joe Biden put illegal aliens over taxpaying American citizens in his quest to destroy the US.

Mr. Paxton sent a letter to Acting Secretary of Department of Homeland Security David Pekoske demanding the agency immediately rescind its “illegal, unconscionable deportation freeze” – or Texas will sue. more

6 Comments on Texas Attorney General to Sue Biden Admin Over “Illegal Deportation Freeze”

  1. It’s a nice thing to do, but my guess is that the suit is already lost before it even gets recognized by the Court If the Court chooses to recognize it at all).

  2. Of all the things they do to corrupt society this is the most destructive. Biden claims amnesty for 10 million of illegals when that number is at least twice as much.
    This is what’s sinking this country faster than any other slimy gimmick they’ve pulled.


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