REPORT: After Biden Tossed National Guard Into The Cold, Trump Will Allow Them To Stay In His Hotel For Free – IOTW Report

REPORT: After Biden Tossed National Guard Into The Cold, Trump Will Allow Them To Stay In His Hotel For Free

h/t Nunyo, Brad

National File: President Trump is already picking up the slack of the Biden administration.

After Joe Biden and the Democrat-controlled Congress forced the National Guard, who have now been stationed in Washington, D.C. for weeks, to leave the heated halls of the U.S. Capitol and sleep in parking garages, President Donald Trump has offered to allow these soldiers to stay in his Trump International hotel at no charge, according to multiple reports.

In one of his first acts as president, Biden forced the National Guard – who have been guarding Washington, D.C. since the January 6 protest at Capitol Hill – to leave the heated halls of the U.S. Capitol, where they had been sleeping, and instead take their breaks in unheated parking garages and on streets. more

25 Comments on REPORT: After Biden Tossed National Guard Into The Cold, Trump Will Allow Them To Stay In His Hotel For Free

  1. There was a report a democrat complained to the capitol police that he saw a guardsman at a Dunken Donuts without a mask and they kicked them out of the capitol cafeteria. So should Biden be booted from the Oval Office for not wearing his mask the other night celebrating on federal grounds after signing his stupid mask EO a few hours earlier?

  2. Joe Biden thinks he runs the country…
    The only thing he lacks is CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED,
    Which is a constitutional requirement for leadership.
    Jamming the ballot box does not allow you to rule,
    The writers of the Constitution were a whole lot smarter than Jack Asses.

  3. I can’t wait. I spent eight years turning off the radio every time that stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable dog eating Kenyan crackhead was running his pie hole now we are faced with listening to this drooling idiot

  4. The Commiecrats are waiting for the National Guard to give 10% to the “big guy” in order to secure warm and secure sleeping arrangements, now that the Photo Ops are over.

  5. JDHasty, it got to where the news would come on, and I just turned it off, no matter what, because I didn’t want to risk hearing the Wizard of Uhhs. I kept doing it all through the Trump years, because they’d never play his soundbites, only moan and lie about what he said. Plus there’s this really annoying traffic gal who says “gritlock”.

  6. “Don’t expect Biden to be around long.”

    Xiden was Obola’s insurance policy and Zhou may be slow but he does have instincts of self preservation. Among the EOs he
    has already signed is a secret one making the office of pretender hereditary. If anything happens to Zhou, all heil Pretender Zhunter.

  7. The #FakePresident and his junta are a disgrace for how they treat these troops. Utterly disgusting.

    Thank you, President Trump for caring for these men used as pawns by the illegitimate junta.

  8. I saw where Dr? Jill passed out a basket of stale cookies from the “Installation”
    of “Dear Leader” Jao Bi Din. The Troops were called to “Attention” when she arriverd with a basket of cookies for a large group of Guard’s Men. After she walked up they were civen the command of ” Parade Rest” while she made her speech. I never heard the command of “At Ease or “As you were” Given. Nice Photo Op!! We now have a bunch of Ex Hippies and No Logic individuals in charge. As John Wayne once said : You can’t Fix Stupid”. “God help us and God Save the United States of America”


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