How Trump Treats Heroes – IOTW Report

How Trump Treats Heroes


Footage from Trump Hotel in DC. He may not be in office but he’s still leading this country by example🙏🏻🇺🇸VC: @ryanafournier


h/t Brad.

26 Comments on How Trump Treats Heroes

  1. The Zhao Bai Dung administration says this is fake news accompanied with a doctored video, releasing a statement today, “Who are you going to choose, a racist or the most diverse parking garage floors in America? Here’s the deal man, America has chosen our truth over racist facts.”

  2. Missing Trump already.

    Here’s my plan for the inside joke/resistance.

    Get one of those window paint pens and draw an asterisk on the back window of your vehicle. It’ll be our little secret. Leftists won’t understand.

  3. I see a bunch of Sheriff’s and Police in the video, but no National Guardsmen. I doubt the Sheriff’s and Police where required to sleep on a cement parking garage floor.

  4. That is the difference between Donald Trump and the subhuman pieces of shit who pulled that stunt. He can actually identify with the people who are out there where the rubber meets the road, the subhuman pieces of shit only recognize others as an opportunity to advance their agenda… or not.

  5. President Trump: Leading by example.
    The man says what he does and does what he says.
    The Leftist nazis can block him from their websites, but they can never block him from our hearts!

  6. Donald Trump could show up on any military installation in this country and people will instantly recognize the sincerity in the enthusiasm that our troops have for him… and he they. Worthless piece of shit like Biden has nothing but contempt for anyone in the military except those who are in command positions only due to their politics. The difference between how our troops will respond to a worthless cocksucker like Biden and how they will respond to President Trump for the rest of his life is the difference between genuine and staged enthusiasm. The latter is always apparent.

  7. Has the media blamed Trump for all the positive Covid tests BEFORE they moved into the hotel yet?
    Aught to make CONgress and the Senate sleep on the cold assed floor, preferably in China where their paychecks come from.


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