Lawmakers in AZ, PA and MI are working to uncover evidence of voting fraud during the November elections – IOTW Report

Lawmakers in AZ, PA and MI are working to uncover evidence of voting fraud during the November elections

Video From OAN

31 Comments on Lawmakers in AZ, PA and MI are working to uncover evidence of voting fraud during the November elections

  1. Like investigating why your car ran out of gas: and trying to blame it on somebody else. It’ll never stop it happening again unless you take steps to prevent it from happening again.

    However we’ll soon be getting our gas from the Saudi’s so you’ll actually like paying their prices so it won’t matter anymore when the government requires you to top off your tank every day.

    It’s all bullshyte anyway — the election was stolen and Biden is the Kommander-in-thief.

  2. …man, while I was coming here, a whole HERD of riderless horses ran past me!

    …now, where’s that barn door you say needs fixed ASAP? You made it sound like an emergency, but it seems pretty quiet in there to me…

  3. It will all come to naught,Too little too late.
    Show me i am wrong.
    For what it is worth i don’t live in the US,just watching it stolen.
    If a country 10 times the size of my population can be duped whats up for me?
    Yeah,i already know the answer.
    Lets just say I’m glad I’m an old codger.
    Bless the children.

  4. One thing is certain, NEVADA was the FUCKING WORST when it came to fraud.
    It was outright open season for mail-in ballots.
    They mailed out enough for the population of Mexico.
    Hell, you can still find ballots in ditches and dumpsters.
    They sent in so many for biden they just didn’t fucking care about getting caught.

    I’m also hearing New Mexico was pretty bad as well.

  5. @ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS

    Who says anybody is fixing the door? Give them time to find that the door functions perfectly.

    Anyway, you know what the bumpersticker says: “A Door Is Like A Parachute. It Only Works When It’s Open.”

    Or something like that.

  6. Alexb…millions of us old codgers who supported Trump won’t be here for the next election. We need a new party established now to get as many younger people involved as possible.

  7. I won’t expect much from Michigan with a Democrat Governor, AG and Sec of State. And Pennsylvania has Republicans who appear to be Dems in disguise. This goes way higher than state level crooks. This was global interference.

  8. ANON
    Standards are worthless! JOHN ROBERTS! Several states broke the law! But GWB’s boy refused to let the evidence be presented!
    JOHN ROBERTS will do the same thing with standards!

    Killing Dominion will not solve the problem . Rove/Bush control other auto vote counting other than Dominion!

  9. There are articles today on how angry democrats are that have lost their jobs due to Biden’s new policies, the cancellation of the pipeline has unions upset and even Ms Piggy Megan McCain is upset he violated his mask mandates right after enacting it. How long before large swaths of the population start calling for looking into the fraud.

  10. We should NEVER forget these states and how the corruption in them surrendered the presidency, senate and basically the country to the left and China. They should all be ashamed.

  11. Dems were scrutinizing Florida votes for at least a year after Dubbya was inaugurated. Do you really think that if they found something that Dubbya would have been allowed to have remained in office? Because there is no precedent for removing a fraudulently elected president does not mean precedent cannot be set.

    It will all come down to timing and popular sentiment. As Biden, Pelosi, et al, proceed to alienate the people, they will create an environment primed for a trigger. I am of the opinion that this is what they want, but I think they greatly underestimate the vast number of those who deeply resent what has been taking place. They may well reap the whirlwind in their effort to expose and destroy all opposition — or not.

  12. Keep pressure on the legislators. It’s the only way they will do anything. Georgia and Michigan were a complete embarrassment.
    I don’t expect much out of NV. The unions cheat every single election.

  13. @kt

    …and whatever happened to Sidney Powell the lawyer who had mountains of evidence…or Guiliani’s bombshells that went undropped?

    Very strange things have been happening and we just get the mushroom treatment.

  14. Why….Nothing will be done about it. There was MOUNTAINS of evidence WEEKS AGO.
    More than enough to justify keeping Basement Biden and Horizontal Harris out of office. This is just WASTING MORE TAX DOLLARS on petty ego trips.

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