Calif. COVID-19 Vaccine Recipient Dies Hours After Being Vaccinated – IOTW Report

Calif. COVID-19 Vaccine Recipient Dies Hours After Being Vaccinated

A California resident who tested positive for COVID-19 in December died after receiving a vaccine. The individual reportedly perished in Placer County, California on Thursday, several hours after getting the coronavirus vaccine.

They reportedly contracted the virus in December, and despite a CDC recommendation to not get vaccinated within 90 days of a positive test, received the vaccine.

While it is unclear which COVID-19 vaccine the patient received, health officials said people should not be too quick to blame the vaccine for the death.

“We know that the severe allergic reactions that occur following immunization, the vast majority of those occur 15-30 minutes following immunization, so something that occurred several hours later is probably not the severe allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, that we worry about,” Dr. Dean Blumberg said, infectious disease expert at UC Davis Children’s Hospital. more

20 Comments on Calif. COVID-19 Vaccine Recipient Dies Hours After Being Vaccinated

  1. Hank Aaron was strong in late years, so he last a couple of weeks…Others? Not so much.

    Anyone seen the pic of him getting it?

    His bicep is bigger than mine!

  2. “We know that the severe allergic reactions that occur following immunization, the vast majority of those occur 15-30 minutes following immunization, so something that occurred several hours later is probably not the severe allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, that we worry about…”

    It’s just another COVID-related death for the statistics–but NOT a COVID VACCINE-related death. Oh, no, of course not.

    Don’t come near me with that needle.

  3. Die shortly after getting the vaccine? Not the vaccine’s fault.

    Die in the UK up to 60 days after testing positive for corona virus (NOT COVID-19)? Well, another death so we need to stay locked up for another year.

  4. Don’t be quick to question the obvious. It is totally common for people to drop dead for no apparent reason after a vaccine. This is nuts. Remember they did say don’t be alarmed when elderly die after the vaccine.

  5. Lab rats should be paid more, considering the risks. Early 1300 witch doctors should be outlawed. And our medically untrained elected officials should not be pushing unknown treatments on the public. And guess what? None of them, or the companies pedaling the panacea elixir/jab can be sued for damages.

  6. ghost of brig gen j glover
    JANUARY 24, 2021 AT 5:05 PM
    “Hank Aaron …
    His bicep is bigger than mine!”


    WAS bigger than yours.

    …now, probably not so much.

    …death’ll do that to a guy…

    …and to us ALL, if the Chinese have their way, and they ARE…

  7. Five will get you 10, those high-profile, televised vaccinations are bullsh!t theater. I guarantee Dr. Faustus, who couldn’t remember which arm got jabbed, received no guinea pig shot. His second vaccine left him “knocked out for 24 hours.” That was probably reaction to the filler he recently had injected in his face for Biden Team TV closeups.

  8. People are ignorant and getting jabbed in the arm with gene therapy not a vaccine. Gene therapy that they’ve been working on for years, but have never been able to get it approved. Still today it’s only approved as an emergency.

    People are sheep though and only do as their tv screen tells them to do and never research anything.

    I have conversations all the time that go like this, “I know several people who have gotten Covid.” Me, “tested positive or were actually sick?” “Well some just tested positive, but others were really sick.” Me, “were they in the hospital?” “Well, one was, but they had other things wrong with them, but the others said they were really sick, short of breath, couldn’t smell, couldn’t taste, hurt all over, high fever.” Me, “so all the symptoms of the flu?” “Well yeah, but it’s worse.”


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