CD Media:


I had a ringside seat to election events from November 3, 2019 to January 6, 2021, and feel a duty to explain to the world what really happened. I will not be regurgitating the headline events anyone can read, but will aim to explain what was going on behind the scenes, and give my best account of why things played out as they did.

Out of an interest in not letting the public suffer any longer from my procrastination and weakness (I tested negative today after a 13-day bout with Covid) , I will be writing and publishing this story in installments, reserving  the right to re-edit as I go. Once complete and final, I will let the public know that it is final. Thus, you might think of this exercise as an odd one, where I am drafting a long magazine article for the world but doing so publicly, that the public need not wait to begin having its understandable curiosity addressed.

It will be natural for the reader to question my motives, my background, to wonder if I have some ax to grind or might wish to accomplish something in writing this other than what I claim (that I simply feel a duty to my country and to history to give an honest account of what I saw over those nine weeks).  So I will close this preface with four short statements that may clarify to some from where I am coming from philosophically.

  1. My own family’s history is one of the Horatio Alger dream.  My folks were of working class Irish roots from New Jersey (Bridgeport, Patterson, Atlantic City, Wildwood, and Cape May). My Pop was Rutgers ’52 (Air Force ROTC), and my folks were living poor as church-mice on the GI Bill at University of  Michigan, my Pop studying actuarial math, when their three sons began popping into existence. I was the youngest, born in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, in 1962.  We grew up bouncing around New England as my father changed life insurance jobs nearly every year. Passed over in 1976 in Hartford for a promotion at Travelers Insurance that he thought he deserved, my Pop took a job at a broken and nearly insolvent auto insurer in the South: a month later an odd fellow from Omaha showed up on our doorstep, met my dad, and began investing heavily in his new firm. That same day, my Pop cancelled his order for our family’s first new car (a station wagon) and sunk it into stock in his new friend’s firm. My dad’s new firm, GEICO, went on to big things, and my dad’s investment in the stock of his new Omaha friend, Warren Buffett, worked out immensely well for my family. More importantly, Buffett became my great tutor in life. As  the years went by my family grew wealthy (by the time I was 16 my parents were millionaires, and by the time I finished college they were millionaires many times over), and Buffett grew into a billionaire and then into the mythical figure he has since become. All along the way, a continual topic of conversation among Buffett, myself, and my parents, the most continual conversation, was the role of the rich in society, their proper behavior, their duties to other citizens and to the country (unlike lots of other rich guys, both Buffett and my Pop were always intensely patriotic men). Donald J. Trump is the living embodiment of everything I was raised to understand was wrong about rich people in America. After JFK my parents probably never voted anything but Republican, but my mother did not vote for Trump in 2016, and by January 6 of this year was screaming at me, “This monster cannot stay in the White House!” My father died in 2013, but I doubt he would have voted for Trump in 2016, and am sure he would not have in 2020. So if you wish an honest account of the intellectual milieu from which I hail, that would be it. MORE


  1. Here’s what personally I’m upset about the most.The founders were wise beyond belief. And our chief justices just fucked America in the ass to protect themselves from criminal exposure. Was it really worth destroying the country for? The Republics last line of defense failed because they were all criminal, or weak. History will not be forgiving.

  2. The fudge is this this guy? 3000 words to tell us he’s got an outline.

    Hopefully he knocks something together to get the info to whoever can do something about it…you know…..in time.

  3. While I actually did enjoy the preface, it’s just more words. I’m no longer interested in listening to the pundits, the talking heads, the analyst’s. They have an arsenal of words and words are not going to defeat this enemy.

    Look at the reaction to a few of their own bad actors forcing their way into Congress. 25,000 troops, demands for machine guns, paranoia in regards to the intent of those troops. Fences, walls, razor wire and publicly declared fear for their lives when in close quarters with Republicans. They’ve told us very plainly what they’re afraid of.

    They know what can defeat them and so do we. Somewhere in D.C. there’s a tree of liberty…

  4. In our house we thought all along Guliani’s team was going after the wrong angle. They should have gone right for the fraudulent ballots and machines instead of the observers not being allowed in.
    What’s done is done and hindsight is 20/20.

  5. Author is Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock. So, an accomplished businessman who has had some successes fighting corporate battles. Also fell for a Russian agent and is written off as a deep state conspiracy theorist by the MSM. So, a complicated study.

    The past 12 months read like a great spy thriller, complete with international intrigue and eccentric characters. Are we ever going to get the great Hollywood ending where the good guy wins and the nefarious scoundrels are exposed and ruined and all is right with the world? Or have we been hired as crowd extras in some dystopian miniseries where viewers tune in each week only to have their faint hopes for righteousness dashed yet again?

    I am running out of popcorn and interest.

  6. IMO, it was a vast and multilayered action that started 2 years ago. “Get out the vote for Biden” was the key phrase.
    Printing and marking tens of thousands of ballots doesn’t happen overnight. Making sure the ‘counters’ were the right people was important.
    Whatever this guy(?) has to say won’t change a thing.

  7. @Mysta

    “Look at the reaction to a few of their own bad actors forcing their way into Congress. 25,000 troops, demands for machine guns, paranoia in regards to the intent of those troops. Fences, walls, razor wire and publicly declared fear for their lives when in close quarters with Republicans. They’ve told us very plainly what they’re afraid of.”

    Their way of fomenting hatred of conservatives. This is simply appalling. Pewlosi has her knives out against Trump, mainly because he called her “Crazy Nancy”. They won’t won’t ever call a truce. They think they now have the power to hound us into oblivion.


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