New York City Woman’s Face Bitten In Attack By Group Of Men – IOTW Report

New York City Woman’s Face Bitten In Attack By Group Of Men


Authorities in New York City are looking for a group of men who brutally attacked a woman outside of a liquor store in Manhattan. As the woman went inside, a man offered to buy a bottle of wine, but she politely declined the offer.

The men then surrounded her and started attacking her. They spit on her, and one of them tried to bite her eye out.

“I just remember screaming to the top of my lungs, I just kept saying ‘He’s biting me! He’s biting me!” she told WNBC. “He bit through my eyebrow, and then he continued to just, he kept opening his mouth to try to like re-grasp.” more

29 Comments on New York City Woman’s Face Bitten In Attack By Group Of Men

  1. “The NYPD released surveillance camera footage of the attack and are asking the public for help locating the suspects.”

    Lucky for the NYPD there was surveillance camera footage of the perps; it saved the cops from the embarrassment of describing the thugs race.

  2. We cannot expect much when these yewts, 75% of which, probably have NO father.

    One thing leads to another.

    I went to college in Harlem and I live not to far from there now so…

    I CAN SAY.

  3. BTW @MJA – that is a shot of ‘Old New York’ now.

    That’s the SAKS Fifth Ave bldg with flags flying with St Pat’s on the left.

    Not sure if all those cabbies are lined up like THAT anymore.

    St Pat’s was spray painted TWICE in the past year.

    So, Please update the current status of NYC!!

    In the future ‘NYC’ thumbnail that is…just to be accurate.

    To quote Chrissy Hynde of the Pretenders?

    My city IS GONE.

  4. @MJA – et al – for more additional context?

    Rockefeller Center is across the street…

    And Antifa and Black Bloc marched down Sixth Ave last week past Carnegie Hall.

    You think they had a permit?

  5. Over heard in NY, Voice 1 “Did you hear me shooting last night” Voice 2 “Yea I thought it was you” …Voice 3 “What are you guys talking about?” Voice 1 “We have a dealer that keeps coming out on the corner ever few nights. I Shoot at him, with my 32, from the second floor, not to hit him but to scare him away.” “The police don’t seem to be able to get rid of him.”
    True story – Live in the Wild Wild East – and Cuomo is banning flack jackets.

  6. I recommend a tetanus shot, the rabies series, and a COVID test…just to be safe.

    Do not call Dr. Tony “The Worm” Fauci. He’s busy trying to turn Rachel Maddow straight using his enormous nose. Or so I heard in the Intern Lounge.


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