Heritage Action: How to fix our broken election system – IOTW Report

Heritage Action: How to fix our broken election system

John Solomon Reports:
Jessica Anderson, Executive Director of Heritage Action, explains that the best way to fix America’s broken election system is to first block the H.R. 1 bill that federalizes the presidential election, and then create a grading rubric with criteria for safe and secure elections that each state can be measured by so they can solve those problems. Starts around the 22 minute mark.


17 Comments on Heritage Action: How to fix our broken election system

  1. And HOW, exactly, do we stop the bill? Short answer: we can’t. The Democrats control all three branches. (And if you think that they DON’T control the Supreme Court, then you obviously haven’t been paying attention these last few months.) We already KNOW what has to be done to ensure election integrity — the problem is, we can’t do a fucking thing about it in the present circumstances.

  2. What kind of horseshit is this? HR 1 would, among other things:

    — Provide for voter registration via internet and electronic signatures.

    — Eliminate the requirement to provide a full SSN for voter registration.

    — Provide for nationwide Motor Voter registration.

    — Allow 16 year olds pre-register to vote.

    — Mandate nationwide same-day registration.

    — Prohibit attempts to clean voter rolls of non-residents.

    — Mandate that murderers and rapists can vote.

    — Mandate early voting.

    — Mandate voting by mail, drop boxes, and ballot harvesting.

    — Ban states from requiring voter ID.

  3. Welcome to the new United Socialist States of America.

    “Voting is a exercise that’s day has come and gone. Rest assured your minimum needs will be seen to, as you begin your new assigned responsibilities. And keep in mind we’re a team now working for the common good!”

  4. “The Democrats control all three branches.”

    There’s nothing “democratic” about the Demonrats. Democrats control NOTHING – our government is in the hands of nihilistic totalitarians who are the sworn enemies of Liberty, Freedom, Equality, and Peace.
    There are NO democrats. All who subscribed to that deceit have been subsumed.
    There are NO republicans. The Republic is dead – murdered by electoral fraud, politicians’ deceit, and judicial anti-Constitutionalisms.

    And, in a very real sense, there are no longer Three Branches – there is simply the “FedGov” on one end and the People on the other – they are at war with us.

    Ray Charles could see that.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “I’m just surprised that they didn’t try to do away with the secret ballot while they were at it.”

    They did the next best thing, Heatsync. They intriduced the Mystery Ballot.

  6. Given the democRAT’s penchant for lying, cheating, scheming and projection, the next thing you know we’ll hear something like this at election time:
    “It’s time to be Frank and Ernest about the situation. You be Frank and I’ll be Ernest”
    “Awe c’mon man, you’re always Ernest! I wanna play Ernest this time around!”

    Only it will be:
    “You be the Republican and I’ll be the democRAT”
    “Awe man, you’re always the democRAT. I wanna be the democRAT for a change!”

    Or how the Uniparty changes roles to make it look fair!!

  7. izlamo…And, in a very real sense, there are no longer Three Branches – there is simply the “FedGov” on one end and the People on the other – they are at war with us.

    The truth in a nutshell.

  8. A day late and a dollar short. There is a new bill working its way through the House maze that would fix all future elections – local, state and federal, in favor of the Demoncrat Party. We’re almost there folks. One party rule.

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