Update on Maricopa County Voting Machine Audit – IOTW Report

Update on Maricopa County Voting Machine Audit

Lyle Rapacki interviews Arizona Senator Sonny Borrelli about what has been happening between the Arizona Senate and the Maricopa Board of Supervisors over the audit of the voting machines and ballots.


Az Election Audit Update with Steve Bannon & Liz Harris. We Need Your Help – Call AZ Legislators.

16 Comments on Update on Maricopa County Voting Machine Audit

  1. RadioMatt, yes, but the facts will trickle out, in an effort to dilute, so as not to confirm the obvious.
    So what do we end up with?

    We end up with OJ Simpson, going about his life in Las Vegas, while everyone KNOWS that motherfucker killed Nicole and Ron Goldman.

    Same thing…we all know the truth but nothing is done.
    Excuse me while I vomit and/or cry once again…

  2. Every single one of these legislatures failed to do their duty. They should have refused to send electors. The American people were screwed by the left, the right and foreign countries and so far it appears Americans only plans to fight back is to primary Republicans in the same system.

  3. What if states that can prove fraud decertify their electors that were sent to Washington? If enough of the dirty half-dozen do this would it decertify the cretin currently sitting in the white house and force a constitutional crisis?

    I’d like to see it if only to discomfort the oligarch. They should be constantly worried that the people of the United States are determined to take their status back as citizens in selecting our representatives rather than subjects who passively accept whoever the elites have chosen to rule over the land.

    Right now, after this the big steal, they think of us as subjects only fit to be ruled by our betters.

  4. The electors have already been appointed by the various State legislatures and they have voted in the Electoral College vote to elect Biden.

    That can’t be decertified, there is no provision of the Constitution that allows it.

    Biden could be impeached, but that would have to prove he was a party to the fraud, if fraud is ever actually legally proven, and not just an unknowing beneficiary of it (like a store receiving money from a bank robbery would be).

    The only remedy is to convince the voters to elect someone else four years from now, and that will not be an easy thing to do since most of the American public will have become fully dependent on government programs and money to survive in our coming brave new world.

  5. The same ‘conservative republican’ voters who voted in John Mccain time after time voted in these legislators. So what do you expect? Do you expect then to actually do something about the steal when it mattered? Yeah, there’s as much chance of that as there is that john mccain would sue to find out about barry soetoro’s birth certificate. The courts said he was the only one who had standing and of course he didn’t do it.

    Also, don’t forget that the az legislature passed a law back then mandating that original birth documents would be required for the next presidential election. And of course, the REPUBLICAN gov of Az …..Vetoed it!

    And now all talk of a Patriot party will be squelched….. because it will hurt the republican party, which we desparately need? lmao

  6. “And now all talk of a Patriot party will be squelched…..”

    Don’t know for sure if it’s true, but I’ve been told Trump has dropped that idea.

    In any event, I’ve always contended it would be far simpler to take over one of the smaller parties that are already recognized than form a new one and try to get it recognized. Last time I recall that happening was Ross Perot with the Reform party (which is one of the ones that could be fairly easy to take over).

  7. “The only remedy is to convince the voters to elect someone else four years from now”

    we did that last election didn’t we?
    how did that work out for us?

    the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, right?

    how about armed revolution?
    it worked the first time we tried it.

  8. The RAT PARTY knew what they were doing in creating blatant mass Voter Fraud with Dominion Voter Fraud machines paid for by RAT PARTY Billionaires like Zuckerberg and others like him. We must go after the judges in the 6 Voter Fraud states for refusing to hear cases regarding Voter Fraud. And Yes all the RAT PARTY and RINO Traitors and operatives that created the “Steal” should be vigorously pursued prosecuted and or replaced with men and women with character who value honest elections!

  9. “we did that last election didn’t we?”

    No, we didn’t.

    We spent out time mocking our opponents and pretending they didn’t stand a chance of winning while preaching to each other about how great we were and failing to try to convert out opposition -the Left- to our side on the merits of our view on the issues involved.

  10. This country won’t last the four years required to re-elect Trump. The economy is in the shitter, and has been for years.
    We’re just waiting for China to pull the handle to flush.

  11. Just my take on it (or thereabouts):

    (Source: Newsweek, Nov. 19, 2020, et al.)

    Here are the numbers I found after some simple Research about the 2020 Election (numbers are rounded). As of Nov. 2020:

    Total Number of Registered Voters in the US: 118,000,000
    Number of 2020 Votes Cast: 160,000,000
    Final Number of 2020 Votes for Trump: 74,000,000(46.2%)
    Therefore, Number of Votes for Biden: 86,000,000(53.8%)

    160,000,000 (total votes counted) minus 118,000,000 (Total Registered Voters in US)Equals 42,000,000 Fraudulent Votes over the 118,000.000 total registered Voters.

    Thus, if 42,000,000 extra were stolen for Biden, then 86-M for Biden minus 42-M extra fraudulent Biden votes equals 44,000,000 were Trump votes, which added to Trumps’ already 74,000,000 counted votes equals an estimated true votes for Trump of 118,000,000 votes and 42,000,000 actual votes for Biden (not including Trump votes electronically changed to Biden votes) OR:

    TRUMP: 73.8% (Min)
    BIDEN: 26.2% (Max)


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