Democrat & GOP Senators Slam Biden’s Plan to Give (Our) Money to Wealthy Elites – IOTW Report

Democrat & GOP Senators Slam Biden’s Plan to Give (Our) Money to Wealthy Elites

Neon Nettle-

Joe Biden has come under fire from Democrats, Republicans, and even Independents, over his plans to give stimulus money to wealthy elites.

On Sunday, a group of bipartisan senators reportedly pushed back against the Biden administration over the moves.

The senators slammed the White House for providing too much money “to high-income Americans” while losing focus on lower-income working families.

“The 75-minute call, set up by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), is one of the first big calls the Biden administration has held as it works to buildcross-party support for the $1.9 trillion plan,” Politico reported.

“Senators asked for more data on how the White House filled out its plan,” the outlet added. more

15 Comments on Democrat & GOP Senators Slam Biden’s Plan to Give (Our) Money to Wealthy Elites

  1. Can we get something straight? These are NOT Biden’s plans. Biden can not even plan molesting his dog.

    These plans are The tech Giants, the UN and Globalists. They have chosen how the world will be carved up and are doing it. Everybody funneled into cashless societies with social credit scores and human mobility controlled forever.

    They saw what Chyna has done domestically and copied it.

  2. Oh, that’ll get him some attention from Antifa.

    He promises Scandinavian type socialism and gives them fascism (close ties between business and big gov’t) instead.

  3. If he was going to give out 1.9 Trillion, it would have been best to take that number, divide it by 320 million Americans, and pay it directly to all citizens.

    It would be used for Mortgage payments, Hyro, food, internet upgrades for on line learning, ease SOME of the burden for small business.

    As it stands, these company execs. will get huge bonuses as they always have.

  4. Speaking of “unity”, which we weren’t, I had to share this quote from Catturd on Tweeter.

    “Joe Biden couldn’t unify conjoined twins.” I’ll add….but it sure would make them easier to sniff.

    “Gimme a silver gimme a gold. Make it a million for when I get old. Art for arts sake. Money for Gods sake”

    I hope the printing press is water cooled because it’s going to catch fire at this rate. Zimbabwe here we come.

  5. they do it all the time
    especially with other people’s (our) money-
    ‘them thats gots, gets’

    And, while we’re talking about money- I still want to know where george floyd got that counterfeit 20 dollar bill.

  6. Biden is putting, what’s left that we can even call America, into a financial dive that we’ll never be able to pull out of. Our children and their children will be true tax slaves to the political supremacists at the Washington controls. Thank a democrat.

  7. I hope Maine businesses don’t take any more loans from the controla virus funds. General Mills is going to make the businesses that took the federal forgiveable loans pay income tax on the money.
    Twisting the knife a little more.
    Obiden’s puppet masters are like kids in a candy shop with the money. Ugh.


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