Butticheeks: Massive Gasoline Tax Hikes Are ‘on the Table’ Under Biden – IOTW Report

Butticheeks: Massive Gasoline Tax Hikes Are ‘on the Table’ Under Biden

Neon Nettle: Joe Biden’s secretary of transportation nominee Pete Buttigieg has admitted to a Senate panel that massive tax hikes on gasoline are now “on the table.”

Buttigieg, the former South Bend (Indiana) mayor and failed Democrat presidential candidate, told senators that a rise in taxes on fuel is one possible revenue burden now facing American motorists.

The revelation came after Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida grilled Buttigieg about possible tax hikes during his confirmation hearing.

“I think all options need to be on the table,” Buttigieg admitted to the panel, according to Roll Call.

“As you know, the gas tax has not been increased since 1993, and it’s never been pegged to inflation,” he added.

“That is one of the reasons why the current state of the Highway Trust Fund is that there’s more going out than coming in.”

Sen. Scott (R-FL) slammed Buttigieg and Biden’s administration for forcing the American public to foot the bill for wasteful government spending. more

24 Comments on Butticheeks: Massive Gasoline Tax Hikes Are ‘on the Table’ Under Biden

  1. That is one of the reasons why the current state of the Highway Trust Fund is that there’s more going out than coming in.

    Hey, Pete Bigbooty, how much of that highway money going out is going to, y’know, actual highways? If you don’t know the answer to that question, then you’re too fucking ignorant to be transportation coffee boy, much less secretary.

  2. These people are sick just to be sick. Liberals are either masochists or sadists. They become sadists when they get power. Butthead has never had an original idea in his life. He’s been programmed to destroy up the ass (literally). It’s no accident THIS asshole was put in place to destroy.

  3. Didn’t we hear just recently on this here iotwr websuck that Pete declared the gasoline tax completely ineffective and wants to charge by the mile? Now he wants to double down on ineffectiveness. Or is it effective again today? Apparently Pete switches between pitcher and catcher regularly.

  4. Gas is up here by .40 to .50 in our area just since Jan 20.
    I expect we’ll see at least $4 per gal. Then Pete Buttigiggidy will put men dressed as women in all the tollbooths.

  5. This could have serious repercussions on the American way of life.

    Maybe using 9 foot tall four wheel drive 3/4 and 1 ton pickups to haul you groceries home from the store could even go out of style.

  6. @Anon, or some people like myself when I did construction work didn’t have an alternative that would haul my tools and get me to the torn up job site. When you think beyond your own personal needs it makes you less of a fool.

  7. Different Tim,

    And I suppose that yours, like all the ones I see in the grocery store parking lots, had a pristine bed and scratch free finish?

    I’m no fool, maybe you should look around you with a little bit of observational acuity. There’s a big difference between a work truck and a $50,000 luxury styled show off behemoth that never gets used as a truck.

  8. “There’s a big difference between a work truck and a $50,000 luxury styled show off behemoth that never gets used as a truck.”
    We’re still relatively free to buy and drive what we want. Just because you drive a prius doesn’t mean everyone else should. I’m sure that you would rather virtue signal in a higher priced tesla that has non-recyclable batteries and needs to be charged using “dirty” energy. Good luck once Biteme and Buttplug ban coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear power plants. Maybe you can use some of your own hot air to spin the blades on a wind turbine.

  9. One week into the installation and Biden has already gone back on several promises which were always obvious blatant lies:
    No new taxes for anyone making under $400,000.
    “I am not banning fracking. Let me say that again. I am not banning fracking, no matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me.”
    Joe Biden, Aug 2020.


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