PART I | Perks of Being Selected As President As Opposed to Elected – IOTW Report

PART I | Perks of Being Selected As President As Opposed to Elected


This will be a series of articles demonstrating to many citizens of the United States of America how being SELECTED as President by corporations, foreign governments, and the consumer industry such as the Main Stream Media has its perks. You are protected and feel that you are immune to accountability for crimes you commit. You get away with 18 U.S. Code § 2243.

Many Americans believe that child sexual abuse is the most disgusting and evil act that a person can engage in. The consensus is that if a crime of child sexual abuse is committed that no matter who you are – you are prosecuted.

What if the victim was the daughter of the former Vice President’s deceased son? What if the victim is now the daughter of the President’s deceased son? What if the perpetrator was the First Son? You would think that there would be a pursuit of justice. Justice to hold ALL those that knew and concealed such abuse accountable. Justice SHOULD be BLIND but it’s not.

There is EVIDENCE that MANY people knew within the First Family and that the perpetrator was the First Son.

This isn’t hearsay. This is very well documented in texts, calls, pictures, amongst other documentation indicating that the MOTHER of the victim knew that the First Son was having sex with her 12-year-old daughter. The President also knew that his son was doing this. All documented.

The messages below show the discussions between Hallie Biden (the late Beau Biden’s wife and mother to then 12/13-year-old Natalie Biden) and Hunter Biden, their psychiatrist, family, friends, and expressing the involvement of law enforcement- that have done NOTHING. In fact, from the messages below it seems like the mother, Hallie is blackmailing the First Son for money? After all, the First Son was involved with his deceased brother’s wife. more here

13 Comments on PART I | Perks of Being Selected As President As Opposed to Elected

  1. Not to mention the additional bonus of being selected is Joe’s dear friends the Chinese are overflying Taiwan and ready to invade. Joe’s first official gift to his benefactors is an allay.

  2. Sloppy politician and crime family head with dementia. It’s sad and disgusting.

    REMEMBER: Joe Biden wasn’t a good man when he was all there.

  3. Does the FBI really arrest “elite” pedophiles?

    The same FBI that murders innocent women and William Barr covered up for. Of course the question was rhetorical, the FBI at this point in it’s history exists solely to protect and serve the Deep State.

  4. “We are better than that.” Yeah, that’s why the left keeps handing us our asses every time. Because we don’t show proof, we clutch pearls, instead. It’s her taking selfies, not pornography. THAT is in hunter’s laptop. And the author clearly said that she can only show what is not criminal.


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