‘Lawyer up, and get out’: FBI first spurned Hunter Biden laptop, says Delaware tech repairman – IOTW Report

‘Lawyer up, and get out’: FBI first spurned Hunter Biden laptop, says Delaware tech repairman

Just The News: John Paul Mac Isaac, the Delaware computer shop owner who unwittingly came into possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop, says an FBI agent initially gave a stern warning to his family when first offered a copy of the explosive evidence about Joe Biden’s son: “You better lawyer up and get out of my office.”

In a wide-ranging interview Monday with Just the News, Isaac described what concerned him most about the contents on the laptop, his extensive efforts to get authorities in law enforcement and Congress to pay attention to it and his anger at the news media, Democrats and even security officials who initially accused him of carrying out a Russian disinformation campaign or trying to make money off the discovery.

U.S. intelligence has determined the laptop contents — now in the hands of the FBI and Congress and part of a criminal tax case — were not Russian disinformation. Isaac said he never took a dime for providing the materials to the FBI, Congress and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, not even when offered reimbursement for the hard drive equipment he used to make copies. more

22 Comments on ‘Lawyer up, and get out’: FBI first spurned Hunter Biden laptop, says Delaware tech repairman

  1. The fibbies are now the Gestapo. They are your enemy. Within the next year they will be tracking down anybody that voted for Trump and burning them with lit cigarettes. I’m currently getting Linkedin job offers from the local fibbies for an “Urban Tactical Assault Technician.” No LE experience required. Someone will fill that position. The thing about the alphabet soup boys. They never watch their ass. Time to make friends with like minded people.

  2. Even retired LEO’s are likely not your friends. I have one in my circle of in-laws and outlaws that has said some things that make me realize he doesn’t consider me on his team. I’m disappointed because I thought he was a white hat. Anybody not on my team is a black hat.

  3. The republican senate knew the fbi was chock full of crooks for the last four years and they did an investigation. Of Trump.

    And yet republicans, even trump, think the way to victory and law and order is to primary five or six republicans.

    I’m all outraged out. At this point i just look on the whole thing in disgust, shake my head, and say f em all.

  4. “Funny how Hunter Biden’s involvement with children is just ignored. WTF?”

    They’ve ignored it for all the sick MoFo’s. The FBI have the flight log from Epstein’s, screw a 12 year old express. They don’t care. It’s up to us. You own a gun yet?

  5. The whole thing makes my stomach turn. Hunter’s walking around and is not worried. My Daddy is the President. And so called Big Daddy who is now the President is so corrupt makes me think I’m living another country or the USA will soon be one.

    God Bless America and God Bless us all!

  6. I’ve known a guy since childhood who is a retired DEA Agent. He was on one of the teams who took down the very worst of the super bad guys. His wife is a LEO in Oregon where they live. He saw a post I wrote a while back about the need to oust corrupt LEO’s and he broke off our lifelong friendship. He will be one of the scumbags who will be lured out of retirement with money to break into homes to confiscate firearms from decent citizens. He was corrupted by the system he once hated. I hope he catches it between the eyes on his first raid.

  7. Hambone, That sucks. But it seems the higher they rise, the more Nazi the become. You’d think they’d have some regard for the preservation of the Republic. But they don’t. I’m not getting it.

  8. Gosh. Brad is so awesome. Just so awesome. I could only hope to ever be so awesome as Brad. He is just so awesome. There aren’t enough keystrokes to convey it.

    But anyway, it really sucks how the rest of us that aren’t name Brad have to live with this.

  9. “Funny how Hunter Biden’s involvement with children is just ignored. WTF?”

    Word of caution: DO NOT CLICK ON ANYTHING CLAIMING TO BE FROM HUNTER’S LAPTOP. There have been some blog posts elsewhere claiming to be about what was found on Hunter’s laptop that have been shared around these past few weeks, usually requiring you to click on a link to proceed on to the story. DON’T DO IT! Anything you need to read about the laptop’s contents should be out in the open, not hiding behind a link. Clicking on that link could potentially expose you to material you really don’t want to be exposed to.

  10. I barely watch Fox anymore.
    Nothing before 8PM EST.
    Some Tucker and Laura, and a bit of Hannity.
    Because, if you’ve seen one Hannity…you’ve seen them all!
    The last time I watched Hannity he actually said:
    “I haven’t seen Hunter’s laptop contents but I heard it is really bad.”
    Jack Posobiec has the mirrored image of that laptop CONFIRMED.
    He has OFFERED the CONTENTS TO Jake Tapper and any motherfucker who wants to see it. NOBODY WANTS TO SEE IT CAUSE THEY HAVE NO BALLS!
    Reach out HANNITY and FUCKING SEE what the FUCK IS ON IT!!!

    Instead, Hannity has a docile computer repairman on his show that is too timid to mention kiddie porn and S & M.

  11. Why no one talks about the children? How many abortions each day and how many children go missing each day? Where do they go? Why aren’t we more upset about it?

    Children are being sacrificed for power and favor of devils and demons. Human blood from innocent children is considered a condiment to those seeking the new world order.

    Wake up and smell the soylent green. It’s coming to nursing homes and re-education camps soon.

    BTW it’s people like Brad who may get us out of this mess if it’s possible.


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