Dr. Fauci: Double-Masking Is “Common Sense” – IOTW Report

Dr. Fauci: Double-Masking Is “Common Sense”

DanBongino: Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is now the chief medical adviser to Joe Biden, gave the thumbs up to wearing two masks in an appearance on the Today show. The host, Savannah Guthrie, asked Fauci,

“A lot of folks are hearing now about double-masking — wearing two masks or try to get one of those N95 medical-grade masks. Do you believe that’s advisable and makes a difference?”

Fauci responded,

“You know, it likely does because I mean this is a physical covering to prevent droplets and virus to get in. So if you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on, it just makes common sense that it would likely be more effective and that’s the reason why you see people either double-masking or doing a version of an N95.”

Back in March, Fauci advised people not to wear a mask.

See Also:
Report Reveals Dr. Fauci Was Highest Paid Employee in Entire Federal Government in 2019

47 Comments on Dr. Fauci: Double-Masking Is “Common Sense”

  1. Ok this guy belongs in the local insane asylum, no way in hell am I going to wear one mask 😷 muzzle let alone two. Would love to tell Dr Fraud to his face to get fucked jerkoff. 🤬

  2. Like Oh Boy says, why stop at two? Use ten, twenty, one hundred, hell, enclose your whole effin head in a lead dome!

    It’s the same logic as minimum wage. Why stop at $15? Make it $50, $150 or even $750, damn-it! There is no logic – just emotion.

  3. They asked some health specialist pushing 2 masks if 3 would be even better and she said oh that would be silly because you couldn’t breath. Meanwhile there are studies that show wearing masks causes lung issues and even advanced lung cancer, you are breathing all kinds of moist microbes and carbon dioxide back into your lungs. They should be held accountable for injuries they cause.

  4. Fauci could say that walking around with a banana shoved up your ass was now required, and the Dems would all go along with it. There is nothing too ridiculous for him to propose and them to impose on us.

  5. I could wear two or THREE ‘N60 masks’, ones used for light construction work, and it STILL would not add up to the quality of an N95.

    For context? An ‘N60’ mask, filters out 60% of the particle size, is one that fits VERY loosely and has gaps around the perimeter. A double or triple N60 have no affect. Also, those ribbed surgical masks you see or wear, are rated at probably mid eighties?

    While an N95 (95% particles size filtered) is DESIGNED to be tight to the face, with rubber bands and not very comfortable to wear on a DAILY mandated basis.

    He’s from Brooklyn as he likes to say?


  6. The skilled nursing facility I go to had its flu burst 6 weeks ago. 128 residents, 85 left when it was over. Same thing happened back in 1995 at that location.

    The four assisted living facilities I go to are slow rolling their flu outbreaks. One can assume the SNF took a bigger faster hit due to acuity levels of their residents. 85% positivity rate of residents and employees, but the tests are worth shit. People that tested negative died of something flu-like anyway.

    There are some staffers who are double masking under a face shield at work. Getting sick anyway. Mmmmmkay. Didja wear that at the Dollar General too? No? Bless your heart.

    I’m losing patients at an average of 3 a week, thats pretty heavy for the record. Thankfully my MD listens when I tell her who I suspect REALLY had COVID. Not allowing her to put COVID on death certificate of an elderly Alzheimers patient who has not eaten anything in 6 weeks, surviving on 2 Ensures a day, then tests positive 2 days before she dies. COVID didn’t kill them.

  7. Silly me for going to a regular college when I could have gone to clown college and get paid over $400,000 per year in tax dollars, from stupid American rubes, just for acting and speaking like a retarded Moran!

  8. Chalupa – creative parody and lyrics are your forte. Any thoughts on this?

    “…Hmmm, I have a vision, but no talent to put into digital print.

    Double your pleasure with Double Mask Gum.

    The single most favorite double in the world is double good, double good, Double Mask Gum…”

  9. Hey stirrin! I’m just getting over the rona – I was so careful but I let one girly get to me. Now I’m a leper. So sick of all this masking but I don’t want to give it to anyone else. It’s no fun. I’ll be mocking Biden big time at People’s Cube Karaoke. I have to wear a gas mask now just to be around friends. I can’t find any humor in it I wish my ex would’ve masked when she was at her super spreader events over the holidays. God bless.

  10. Why not three mask, or four?
    Heck, why not a dozen masks so people can’t bloody breathe?

    These scamdemic organizers and collaborators are psychopaths and enemies of humanity.

  11. Golly gee willykers Wally, I was subject to all the mega strict protocols at my part time Federal contractor job. Temperature check at the door, 6 ft distances, constant face diapering, hand washing, the whole CDC prevention plan. 3 days after my last working day I got the Wu Flu, go figure.

    Damn near got my otherwise healthy 62 year old ass…34 years in inhospitable shit holes and almost died from a work bug.

    Fuck that overpaid leprechaun.

    The best corollary I read was its like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence…

  12. Get two vaccinations. Wear double masks. Stay 6 feet apart from others. Don’t go to theaters, concerts, clubs or church. No birthday parties. No family reunions. No BBQ contests. Don’t drive around looking at scenery. Stay off the beach. No

    And while you’re at it: Don’t fly the US flag (it’s an insurrectionist act).

    I am not responsible for the contents of this comment. All opinions in this comment are fictional. Any resemblance to actual opinions is coincidental.An

  13. Yeah, because it’s better for lack of oxygen to make you pass out and crack your head open and die, than to live through the all-encompassing BULLSHIT these cunts have in store .
    How about you wear a Glad wrap mask sealed to your face, with a matching neck tourniquet, fauci?.


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