Donald J Trump can use a “Writ of Quo Warranto” against Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Donald J Trump can use a “Writ of Quo Warranto” against Joe Biden

A writ of quo warranto is a civil remedy employed to determine a person’s right to hold public office or challenge a public officer’s attempt to exercise some right or privilege that derives from the state. A writ of quo warranto is inappropriate when there is an adequate remedy available by statute.

A writ of quo warranto is most often used to challenge the right of an individual to hold public office. It is also often used to challenge the authority of a public officer to take certain actions in an official capacity. There is no time limit for applying a writ of quo warranto. MORE INFO HERE

h/t ToreSays

21 Comments on Donald J Trump can use a “Writ of Quo Warranto” against Joe Biden

  1. And then what? The courts will throw it out or just refuse to hear the case.
    Do not misunderstand, if this country were sane and the courts only ruled on the law, it would be great.

  2. MJA – I don’t. But all of the attempts with the various lawsuits up to this point have ended up in front of a judge that doesn’t want to do anything. Why would I think that would change?

  3. MJA, we are all fighters here but we are so beaten down by what has happened lately.
    Perhaps if we weren’t so informed about the power these assholes wield?
    We know now.
    President Trump, while holding office was de-platformed and criminalized.
    Hell, they wanted to take away the nuclear codes.
    We were promised the Kraken and got the Karen.

    I wish I could be more optimistic.

  4. Sorry, not rolling over but I am also not a fool.
    If anyone thinks this is a serious way to challenge Biden I don’t know what to tell you.
    It seems obscure and desperate.
    Will NEVER have one iota of a chance to do anything.
    It will get laughed out of court.

    It’s like going after Trump for violating the “Logan Act.”
    Please people!

  5. Given all the crap “lack of standing” decisions it’s easy to be pessimistic about this one. However, I’m lead to understand that for a writ of quo warranto, the question of standing is at worst much, much easier and at best is no question at all. For the loser in an election to petition for a writ of quo warranto on the basis of a flawed or fraudulent election, the loser’s standing is virtually automatic.

    The main downer here is that President Trump has no choice but to bring suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.


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