#BoycottCouricJeopardy – IOTW Report


Bye-Bye, Katie.

Independent Women’s Forum:

Right after Katie Couric was named as a Jeopardy! guest host, she spewed hateful, harmful comments about needing to “deprogram” the millions of Americans who supported former President Donald Trump, referring to them as “cult” followers.

And the question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump.  – Katie Couric


SNIP: Time to get to work. Remember what the left does and act accordingly. (Except the criminal stuff… But you knew that.)

32 Comments on #BoycottCouricJeopardy

  1. Sckouric needs to stop treating Trump voters as obsolete – Jeopardy will indeed be unwatchable with such ilk as her as a “guest” host.

    The ewection was stolen. The ewection was stolen. The ewection was stolen. The Biden Crime Family is in charge.

  2. As a life long Jeopardy viewer I am appalled at the “deprograming” comment made publicly by Katie Couric about at least half of our American population–I hope she is not given the chance to guest host, given her intellectual deficiencies. Thank you for your time.

  3. Sounds to me like liberals are “programming” their children to hate Americans who don’t walk in step, and they call conservatives cult members?
    All these people do is project. They are dangerous.

  4. Went to the exact same H.S. she did 12 years earlier (Yorktown HS, Arl., VA). Apparently, she missed the Civics course where we were familiarized with the Constitution, America and remembering all of the Presidents of the United States… and then get tested on it. Apparently, that course was no longer available when she went.

  5. Couric better watch it! Not even Rain Man will watch.

    She’s an excellent divider
    Couric sucks!
    Are you taking any prescription medication?
    Of course she doesn’t have underwear. She’s definitely not wearing any underwear.


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