Georgia: GOP lawmaker is thrown out of state House for refusing to be tested for ChinaVirus – IOTW Report

Georgia: GOP lawmaker is thrown out of state House for refusing to be tested for ChinaVirus

Georgia is on my last nerve .


A six-year Georgia House Republican has gone viral over the “excuses” he made for refusing to abide by a rule stating that every Georgia House member be tested for COVID-19 twice per week.

The hubbub happened a bit before noon Tuesday after Georgia House Speaker David Ralston, a Republican, ordered fellow Republican state Rep. David Clark to vacate the chamber because of his refusal to be tested.

“We have a member of this body who has deliberately failed at all to be tested as we begin session, clearly in violation of our testing policy, jeopardizing the health of other members of this chamber,” Ralston said in a now-viral video.

“I’m going to ask that member to be as discreet as possible, to quietly leave the chamber, unless you prefer it otherwise. I don’t know about ya’ll, but I’ve been to too many funerals, and I’m getting tired of going to them. All we are trying to do is keep people from dying,” he said. MORE

SNIP: Ask Ralston why he’s wasting time on bullshit and not focusing on election fraud!

Georgia House Speaker David Ralston

David Ralston R – Blue Ridge District 7
Title: Speaker of the House

  • Capitol Address
  • 332 State Capitol
  • Atlanta, GA 30334
  • 404.656.5020 – Office
  • 404.656.5644 – Fax
  • District Address
  • PO Box 188
  • Blue Ridge, GA 30513
  • 706.632.2221 – Office
  • 706.632.6193 – Fax

Email Representative Ralston

7 Comments on Georgia: GOP lawmaker is thrown out of state House for refusing to be tested for ChinaVirus

  1. “I don’t know about ya’ll, but I’ve been to too many funerals, and I’m getting tired of going to them.”

    Wonder how many he has been to, and whet the cause of the deaths was.

  2. …so, are all members going to start getting tested twice a week for measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, polio, tuberculosis, other variants like SARS-MERSA that was a Coronavirus in the mideast 3 years before THIS one, ebola, typhoid, legionnares disease, chickenpox (VERY dangerous to some elderly with shingles and you may not know you’re an adult carrier), all the OTHER flus that (until this year) killed millions and mutate EVERY SINGLE YEAR, and test for all POSSIBLE mutilation OF Coronavirus which it has already done, not to mention bubonic plague (making a comeback, thanks Democrats), hantavirus, menngitis, anthrax…

    …see, its not possible. Every one is exposed to disease every day, and unless you plan to spend your life in a positive pressure bubble with a sterilized intake, you can’t avoid everything.

    And even if you COULD, it would just wreck your immune system so you could never step OUT.

    …this whole concept is absolutely retarded. You WILL be exposed to diseases from other people no matter what, some of which don’t even exist yet, and no highly dubious, mostly fraudulent test is going to CHANGE that.

    EVERY disease is a risk.

    There is NO reason to treat THIS one any differently, outside of political oppression, that is…

  3. If you have to take a test to tell whether or not you’re sick – you aren’t.
    Just like drugs – if it doesn’t affect your productivity, then why give a fuck?

    And Ralston’s “trying to keep people from dying” by testing legislators who are so busy stealing that they haven’t time to go out and infect others. And how’s he gonna “keep people from dying” by administering tests which are false 67% of the time?

    He’s not “wasting” time – it’s called sleight-of-hand. Prestidigitation. Legerdemain. Confusing the issues. Muddying the waters. Turning attention other than where it needs to be. This is how card-sharps work.

    He’s probably capable of hypnotizing snakes.

    izlamo delenda est …


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