Pennsylvania State Legislature Examining All Aspects Of Voting Systems – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania State Legislature Examining All Aspects Of Voting Systems

Several accusations of voting irregularities have prompted states across the country to now take a harder look at how they run their elections, especially in Pennsylvania. One America’s John Hines has more.

[There was election fraud]
[China Virus]

11 Comments on Pennsylvania State Legislature Examining All Aspects Of Voting Systems

  1. A little late now, don’cha think? Like closing the barn door after the horse has run from the burning barn. Should’a been started two years ago when Judicial Watch brought it to your attention.

    Orrrrr…….maybe that’s what you wanted all along. To get rid of PDJT, THEN say, “oops! my bad. let’s fix that now, shall we?”

  2. First start by removing the Lt. Governor and the Secretary of State from the process – they are politicians and should not be allowed to mandate policy.

    Change the system for “Mail-in” Ballots to one that actually only gives one per voter with a fully vetted reason for not voting in person.

    Next make sure that votes are cast personally with all measures taken to ensure one person, one vote.

    Serious resources and accountability need to be made to ensure voter rolls are updated and purged accurately. (Pay a voter removed bounty for deaths reported).

    Otherwise ewections like 2020 will be stolen – the ewection was stolen – all Seig Heil the Kommander-in-thief and his crime family.

  3. Couldya move any slower, PA?

    Belated Congratulations to you!

    You’ve taken the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, settled by the great William Penn and home to Benjamin Franklin, and you’ve reduced it to the equivalent of Puerto Rico. History will equate those responsible will human waste. And then they’ll guffaw at your kookoo Minister of Healthy.

  4. Penn GOPe has been far left liberal for many decades. I listed their first liberal GOP man last time i talked about this. Seems you are all too young to know who Heinz was. He was a leftist GOPe Sem]n. A charter member of the NWO globalists. Died in a crash 30 years ago. a “citizen of the world”!
    Americans last!

    Since they are so liberal they hate Don!

    This is a big white wash!

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