Trump meets with McCarthy, agrees to help GOP take back the House – IOTW Report

Trump meets with McCarthy, agrees to help GOP take back the House


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former President Donald Trump had a fence-mending meeting with U.S. House of Representatives Republican leader Kevin McCarthy on Thursday in which Trump promised to help the party take back the chamber in 2022 congressional elections.

The meeting came three weeks after McCarthy enraged Trump by saying the then-outgoing president bore responsibility for the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters.

Trump and McCarthy met at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, where Trump now lives since leaving the White House on Jan. 20 under a cloud of controversy.

Trump had privately vented about McCarthy to his advisers after the California Republican said Trump was responsible for the Capitol siege in which five people died, a source familiar with the situation said. McCarthy later backtracked, saying he did not believe Trump had provoked the assault.

Trump faces a U.S. Senate trial next month after the House impeached him on Jan. 13 on a charge of inciting insurrection stemming from his incendiary speech to supporters before they stormed the Capitol. He has falsely claimed that the Nov. 3 election he lost to Democrat Joe Biden was “rigged.”

Advisers say Trump has talked recently about forming an alternative to the Republican Party, the Patriot Party, which could have disastrous effects for Republicans in elections to come if it were to happen.

But a statement issued by Trump’s “Save America PAC” about the Trump-McCarthy meeting suggested Trump had set aside for now the idea of forming a new party. It said they focused on the goal of Republicans taking control of the House in the 2022 elections. more

SNIP: Well, the GOP is scared enough to send McCarthy with his hat in hand. Let’s see if the two can agree on the candidates. lolol

[China Virus]

[Stolen election]

22 Comments on Trump meets with McCarthy, agrees to help GOP take back the House

  1. “Trump faces a U.S. Senate trial next month after the House impeached him on Jan. 13 on a charge of inciting insurrection stemming from his incendiary speech to supporters before they stormed the Capitol. He has falsely claimed that the Nov. 3 election he lost to Democrat Joe Biden was “rigged.””

    Bullshit, GFY, “journalist “.

  2. “Former President Donald Trump had a fence-mending meeting with U.S. House of Representatives Republican leader Kevin McCarthy on Thursday in which Trump promised to help the party take back the chamber in 2022 congressional elections.”

    POSSIBILITY #1: The G.O.P. sent McCarthy to Trump with a warning to back off challenging Republican candidates or else they’d side with the Democrats and impeach him even tho’ he’s already out of office.

    POSSIBILITY #2: The G.O.P. is actually stupid and desperate enough to try to kiss and make up with Trump, and Trump is just screwing with them, and will eventually return the favor by knifing THEM in the back at a time of his own choosing.

    Reality is probably closer to #1, but #2 definitely makes for better entertainment.

  3. Don’t know why Trump picked McCarthy. 🤔

    He is a known Rino and he’ll just skip back to the swamp and tattletale to Mitch the Bitch and the rest of DC and then leave Trump out to dry. WTF? 🤨

  4. I honestly don’t know what to think anymore.

    I would hate to think that Trump *really* thinks he should mend anything with the GOP after all the stinking pile of crap they gave him since he first threw his hat in the ring.

    Trump has always been a man of his word — and fulfilled everything he said he would do to the extent it was within his power to do so. McCarthy hasn’t been trustworthy from the start. I wouldn’t trust him. I hope Trump doesn’t.

  5. Trump will never run again. Why would he? He realizes DC is run by the administrative bureaucracy and the President is just a placeholder for 4-8 years. Government is broken.

    I imagine he’ll have the republican candidates descend on Mar-a-Lago, kiss the ring, call in some chits and that’s more power than he ever wielded in 4 years.

    I changed my registration to Independent. I’ll vote local/State in 2022. IF I deem it a worthy cause, I’ll consider 2024. Too early to tell.

    If a good portion of BOTH parties re-registered Independent, it “may” shake up the RNC/DNC. Doubtful, but I’ll sleep better just knowing one less Republican sends a message, even if its only a whisper.

  6. What Fritz the Cat said. And I hope PDT has a tale of the convo with McCarthy, because that mofo will stab him in the bag and throw him to the dogs if it is expedient to the GOPers. McCarthy couldn’t be bothered to show the whip hand to the ten peckerwood Republicans who voted to impeach. He gave them the go-ahead by accusing Trump, without evidence, of incitement.

    Exactly what are we going to get with a GOPe House two years from now? The damage will have already bern done by then, and McCarthy will just preside over the wreckage. And it doesn’t matter if Trump helps or not, as long as mail-in ballots rain down like confetti and Dominion slot machines pollute the precincts.


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