Biden doesn’t look well – IOTW Report

Biden doesn’t look well

45 Comments on Biden doesn’t look well

  1. According to Doctor Google 29,000 Covid deaths since the inauguration of fraudster biden. How’s that “biden plan” working out for ya america?

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

  2. Hack hack Covid 19.

    This guy is a placeholder for obama. The corrupticrats installed him.

    I don’t believe Biden won. I don’t believe that Obama won. Even his first term.

    Throw me in jail.

  3. Headlines we’d like to see –

    “Dr. Jill steps away from her Faithful Idiot long enough to go take a shit – returns only to find him face down in his oatmeal for the last time”.

  4. Those Keystone workers may get to work at those Chinese solar panel factories but Joe’s getting ready for the final Green New Deal.

    Worm food. Can’t get any greener than that.

    Insert Commie-La cackle here.

  5. NOOOO…let him linger. Let those that voted him see what they fought for and now own. Let him live a few months as he declines into the senility that EVERYONE knew was coming…..I am going to laugh and laugh and laugh…..

  6. Yeah. I listen to Bill gates as an educated authority on…..wait….NOTHING. The dude hasn’t released a decent operation system in 20 years. But forces you to swallow his latest cum load or none of your shit works anymore.

  7. The most popular president ever elected in the fucking universe needs 30,000 troops to baby sit his illegitimate junta until April (at least).


    IMO, he doesn’t look bad enough.

  8. The truth hurts.


    There seems so damn many variations of describing liberals, commies, Marxists, dumb-shits, assholes, liars, cheaters, low-lives, no-counts, Satanists, fear mongering, despicable, incorrigible pieces-of-shit, it becomes somewhat difficult to remain up-to-date.
    Sort of like trying to distinguish between the different ‘genders’ we are expected to acknowledge.

  9. Caesar: “Who is it in the press that calls on me? I hear a tongue—cough cough—shriller than all the music Cry “Caesar!” Speak, Caesar—cough cough cough—is turn’d to hear.”

    Soothsayer: “Beware the ides of March.”

    Caesar: “What—cough—man is that?”

    Kamala: “A soothsayer bids you beware the ides of March, bitch.”

  10. @jellybean

    You’re correct. I no longer believe anything and feel lost.
    I don’t believe the news. I don’t believe politicians. I don’t believe religious figures.

    It’s tricky out there

  11. I know this may not be a popular opinion on this site, but we have to cut Dementia Joe some slack. He spent his youth playing a banjo on a porch in Georgia before his distant relatives in Scranton adopted him. Joe Obiden Bama doesn’t know what he’s signing, and his Doctor stopped trying to explain things after his Installation. The guy is sleeping more hours than his two mutts and he’s got less energy than either one. Alexis Zorba would characterize this situation as the Full Catastrophe.

  12. I shouldn’t say this BUTT my Petey B is really concerned about his new boss because he said the greatest president ever is looking more ragged than my unbleached elastic starfish!

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