John Kerry’s Private Jet Emitted 166 Metric Tons of Carbon Over Past Year – IOTW Report

John Kerry’s Private Jet Emitted 166 Metric Tons of Carbon Over Past Year

Same as 36 Cars Would in One Year.

John Kerry, the Biden Admin’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, owns a private jet, several mansions and a mega yacht.

15 Comments on John Kerry’s Private Jet Emitted 166 Metric Tons of Carbon Over Past Year

  1. …what about the emissions from driving his private yacht over to RI to avoid the very MA taxes he championed? Gotta be a carbon footprint THERE to go with the hypocrite one…

  2. You’ve been fed a false narrative and we’re cutting electricity off to your home in the winter for passing off Russian misinformation about my jet.

  3. @ flip: FWIW, it’s a close contest between him and fauxci, in my opinion. I guess it doesn’t matter though since fauxci also has the shit weasel title completely sewn up.

  4. Not to be taken out of context, but if that asshole has a IV-SP, 22 hr.s a year not much. R-R Tay motor w/o fadec is still pretty efficient. I have a feeling that the 22 hr.s reflects the time he was on it. I still can’t believe these cockheads can afford these things.

  5. I hate bullshit numbers whether they are about the number of covid deaths or the amount of carbon produced in a year by a car. My diesel truck driven 15000 m/y getting 20 mpg burns roughly 2.5 tons of fuel/y. That fuel isn’t pure carbon although by weight by weight it’s probably 95%. This means Horseface’s jet uses the same amount of fuel as sixty-six 3/4 Ford ton pickups in a year. For a car that gets 30 mpg that number would be a hundred.

    What would we do without selfless traitors flying around to save the planet?

  6. Hypocrisy is not an impediment to Globaloney Climate Bullshit Pontification.

    The morons cheer them all – incapable of doing either math or science.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Expert LIAR, main qualification to be a Dem or MSM.

    While Kerry claims the injury came from shrapnel from an underwater mine, Larry Thurlow, an officer on shore with Kerry that day, insists the wound was the result of Kerry’s decision to throw a concussion grenade into a rice pile. The “shrapnel,” he says, was actually rice pellets.

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