Maxine Would Like a Talk With You Wall Street Boys – IOTW Report

Maxine Would Like a Talk With You Wall Street Boys

This conversation will probably happen, eventually. 😂

12 Comments on Maxine Would Like a Talk With You Wall Street Boys

  1. WHOOPS! WRONG thread!!! 😳 😳 😳

    As for Maxie-Pad, she reminds me of a Key & Peele East/West All-Star game starter:

    “Hingle McDingleberry – California State… penitentiary!”

  2. Anyone catch that “LBTJQ” ?? What is a J?

    She mentions predatory practices against blacks, mexicans, “LBTJQ”, faggots, trannies..

    The takeaway here is if you’re white and a hedge fund ripped you off it’s not a predatory practice since you deserve it. The hedge funds are run by all whites and by extension being white is the real crime here.

    What a filthy person. Chairwoman of financial committee.. what an absolute joke. More like chairwoman of racial DIVISION.

    It’s Okay To Be White.


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