‘I want to make Andrew Cuomo cry.’ – IOTW Report

‘I want to make Andrew Cuomo cry.’

·This report is getting a big update from when I made it back in July.

I want to make Andrew Cuomo cry.

13 Comments on ‘I want to make Andrew Cuomo cry.’

  1. 6,962 people have died in NY nursing homes?
    I thought the real number was somewhere over 12,000.
    Cuomo should be up on charges, but we have a democRAT d!ctatorship of fools that just looks the other way when it comes to killing off the elderly! With that kind of mentality it won’t be long before they’re looking for younger blood!

  2. Oh, FUCK. The PAC funding Cuomo also contains a FUNERAL SERVICE PROVIDER. Gee, I wonder who had a vested interest in seeing people die, and coincidentally, also contributed to the one man most capable of making that happen? You cannot make this shit up…

    Also, I think WordPress is getting nervous about some of the comments being made here.

  3. From my last summer/fall notes:

    ~Then there is this: Cuomo PROTECTED HIMSELF from being sued for putting COVID19 positive patients into nursing care facilities – read on: “In the chaotic days of late March, as it became clear that New York was facing a catastrophic outbreak of the coronavirus, aides to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo quietly inserted a provision on Page 347 of New York’s final, voluminous budget bill.
    Many lawmakers were unaware of the language when they approved the budget a few days later. But it provided unusual legal protections for an influential industry that has been devastated by the crisis: nursing home operators.
    The measure, lobbied for by industry representatives, shielded nursing homes from many lawsuits over their failure to protect residents from death or sickness caused by the coronavirus.” I think I grabbed that from the Daily Mail, but it was elsewhere also.
    AND, here is the cool part, if they can’t sue those nursing homes, they can’t sue Cuomo – he protected himself by protecting the nursing homes. If they sued the nursing homes, those nursing homes would rightly point to the directive singed by CUOMO which forced them (NH) to take in those virus spreading patients.

  4. @TRF – “…6,962 people have died in NY nursing homes?
    I thought the real number was somewhere over 12,000…”

    That video was made in July last year, so your number is probably more up to date.


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