LOL! You Saps! – IOTW Report

LOL! You Saps!

Patriot Retort:

I don’t mean to sound mean, but everyone who fell for Joe Biden’s song and dance are a bunch of gullible saps.

Okay, I do mean to sound mean.

You saps voted for it; so you own it.

After kvetching on Twitter that the measly six hundred bucks in that omnibus spending bill was not enough, Joe Biden (following Donald Trump’s lead, as he often does) tweeted out this:

$600 is simply not enough when you have to choose between paying rent or putting food on the table. We need $2,000 stimulus checks.7:45 PM · Jan 10, 2021

We need $2,000 stimulus checks!!!!!

Well, that was then.

This is now:

17 Comments on LOL! You Saps!

  1. It would not make me sad to hear that every democrat on the face of the Earth came down with the new variant of the Wuhan China virus.
    As for the $1,400 of make believe money that they are stealing from my kids and grand kids, I’ll use it to buy more guns and ammo.

  2. Well that column hit the nail on the head. The old phrase, Unions only protect the bad employee, sure fits here. Back in the 50’s and 60’s, I had some great teachers. These teachers weren’t WOKE back then. The crop of lousy teachers we have now (save the good ones) really do not teach, they bend children’s minds to the woke society. I hurt for the children who have to go to public school.

  3. Anybody who believes any fikken politician is a fikken moron.
    They shovel bullshit for a living – it’s not just what they do – it’s who they are!
    They thrive on the con. Pulling the wool over the eyes of the sheep – and then raping them.

    The sheep seem to love it, though, they keep lining up for more.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. When you get your money, what ever it amounts to, spend it on something you can later use in its place. At the rate of worthless money they are burning thought, paper money is going to be valueless. When our financial system burns and crashes, you’ll be needing it to get things you’ll be in need of.

  5. “Bend over so i can fuck you some more” isnt what biden’s thinking.
    His mental capacity is too far gone for that. He doesn’t think anymore…
    BUT the democrats pulling puppet biden’s strings are thinking “bend over america so we can fuck you again!”

  6. How about Pedo Joe tells the Governors to open everything up and everyone works and earns $?
    No need for govt checks I’d be sending right back to pay taxes.
    That’ll never happen. Obiden wants total control and if we live life he (Obama) can’t have it.

  7. How about the 20 or 30 million people who actually voted for pedo joe admit it and agree to never vote again. Unfortunately, the millions of dead and fake voters can’t take that pledge.


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