Will he or won’t he? – IOTW Report

Will he or won’t he?

The Interesting Development with the Biden Plan to Slash the Trump Tax Cuts

Townhall: During the 2020 campaign, you all heard it. Joe Biden was going to nix the Trump tax cuts if elected president. That’s a massive tax increase on the middle class, but it resonates with the Democratic base. It’s a play to those urban-based fools who take everything MSNBC says about this economic initiative by the Trump White House, one that benefitted everyone especially the middle class. It’s one that even Bernie Sanders said they would benefit the middle class, as 91 percent of middle-income earners would be getting relief for the next decade. Sanders’ only complaint was—get this—the Trump tax cuts didn’t go far enough. CBS News also found three families from different states and economic backgrounds who all benefitted from the Trump tax cuts. It spurred economic growth, allowed businesses to give bonuses to workers, and generated the climate necessary for the booming jobs growth we saw under Trump before COVID hit. 

So, now, with Joe Biden the Oval Office, he plans to take aim at the Trump tax cuts, or will he? Even The New York Times is saying that they won’t gut the whole package. It’ll be a tinkering of sorts. It just shows you that maybe the Trump tax cuts were, I don’t know—good for the economy. I mean, that’s all I can gather since they plan to make a huge portion of the Trump tax cuts permanent. more

13 Comments on Will he or won’t he?

  1. If it increases innocent human misery and suffering then Biden and the Democrats are all in. That is just how “progressives” roll, and todays Democrat Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Progressive movement. The Republican establishment likewise.

  2. What had more effect, the tax cuts or the absolutely huge increase in government spending?

    I’m thinking it was more the spending than the cuts, so Biden should do quite well with the economy as long as he outspends Trump (if that is possible).

  3. Joe is currently locked in the basement bathroom with a straight razor. He’s shaved his face. He’s thinking about shaving little Beau and the boys. Jill is yelling at him to do it….you just know that he will cut off the tax cuts to honor his nut cuts…..Jill will be on the cover of Vanity Fair and she will look flawless even though she’s a 70+ year old tired old hide….

  4. Jobama is shifting 30 Billion dollars slated for farm aid to help combat global warming. Without going through congress. I remember a couple farmers being interviewed during the campaign saying they jut didn’t know if they could vote for Trump again. I hope they’re happy now.

  5. Cynic

    The Scottsdale Gun Club is the gun club all others are measured by. I planned on stopping in. My Bro in law is a member. They’ve purchased our receivers in the past. Thanks

  6. As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.
    – H.L. Mencken

  7. I have been waiting for ole china joe to take back the trump tax cuts.

    I know a lot of middle class people who claim they didn’t get a tax cut.

    can’t wait to ask them once their tax bill increase how they like it.

  8. What he’ll probably try to do is find a way to rebrand them the Biden tax cuts and then try to convince everyone that it was his idea all along.


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