Meet David Schoen. A Trump attorney for shampeachment II – IOTW Report

Meet David Schoen. A Trump attorney for shampeachment II

David Schoen, Attorney at Law is a Federal Criminal Defense and Civil Rights Lawyer.

David Schoen, a solo practitioner, focuses primarily on the litigation of complex civil and criminal cases before trial and appellate courts. David accepts only a few cases each year so that he can give full personal attention to every aspect of the case from evaluation and intake through its resolution.

Mr. Schoen has offices in New York and Alabama, but takes on cases from all around the country and overseas, associating the most qualified lawyers to serve as local counsel or to provide a particular area of substantive expertise as part of the litigation team when necessary. As soon as David agrees to take a case, he immediately begins to investigate the facts, obtain and study all relevant documents and immerse himself in the substantive area or areas of law at issue.

With over 30 years in practice, David has extensive complex litigation experience as lead counsel in trial and appellate courts throughout the country. He is a member of the Bar in Alabama, New York, Maryland, and the District of Columbia and has been admitted to practice law in all state and federal courts in those jurisdictions, as well as federal trial courts in Michigan, Illinois, and Texas, many federal courts of appeals, and the United States Supreme Court.  David has appeared pro hac vice in many other jurisdictions. He has been lead counsel in complex criminal and civil cases at the trial level in many jurisdictions and has briefed and argued appeals in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th, and DC Circuits, the Texas Court of Appeals, and the Alabama Supreme Court.  He has represented parties before the United States Supreme Court and has filed amicus briefs before the Court as well.

Following graduation cum laude from Boston College Law School in 1984, David accepted a job with the Washington, DC office of a large national law firm, but deferred for a year to go to the Deep South to pursue his long-held interest in civil rights litigation, at the suggestion of his mentor, U.S. Court of Appeals Judge A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., David served for a year as a law clerk to the Honorable Truman M. Hobbs, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama, who had been Alabama’s preeminent trial lawyer for a generation prior to taking the bench. David also benefitted greatly from the gracious support, encouragement, and mentoring from the Honorable Frank M. Johnson, one of the true heroes of the federal judiciary.  Through the clerkship, David’s desire to pursue a career as a trial lawyer grew tremendously. Instead of returning to Washington and a large law firm setting after the year, David asked the firm for a release from his commitment and opened the Law Office of David I. Schoen in Montgomery, Alabama and immediately began trying cases and arguing appeals in cases in both state and federal courts.

In 1995, David was honored by the American Bar Association with its national pro bono public award.  In bestowing this prestigious award on David, the American Bar Association reported that the various federal judges its Committee had interviewed during the award evaluation period had credited David with accomplishing more through his litigation than any lawyer of this era to positively change the face of public institutions in the South. Those institutions include public schools, foster care, prisons, jails, indigent defense systems, voting rights, fair housing, and more.
Read all, HERE

h/t Plain Jane

Read also:

Trump lawyer David Schoen calls impeachment effort ‘completely unconstitutional’

Washington Examiner:

Former President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense lawyer said the effort to convict him following his impeachment in the House is “completely unconstitutional.”

David Schoen explained his many problems with the process in a Monday night interview with Fox News’s Sean Hannity, among them partisanship and a violation of the right to freedom of expression.

“I think President Biden missed a great opportunity to be a statesman and to demand that this thing be called off, frankly,” he said. “This is the political weaponization of the impeachment process. There was a rush to judgment.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others have an agenda to “bar President Trump from ever running for president again,” Schoen argued. He called the move “about as undemocratic as you can get” and a “slap in the face” to Trump voters. read more

14 Comments on Meet David Schoen. A Trump attorney for shampeachment II

  1. Will he present evidence that the election was stolen?

    That’s all i want to know.

    IF he won’t do that, then it is prima facie evidence that he’s just another in the long line of deep state hacks trump has hired throughout his term.

  2. Great.

    And if we had a Constitution, he’d have a shot.

    …but we only got here precisely because they do NOT honor the Constitution, so it’s very unlikely they’re going to suddenly start doing so NOW, from inside a hedge of bayonets pointing at US…

  3. I don’t see how this could be considered a legal impeachment trial or carry any actual legal consequences with it without the USSC Chief Just presiding over it.

    Which would seem like it could leave legal and civil liability routes open against those pushing and participating in it since it an action that is outside the law (but that’s just a guess and may be completely wrong).

  4. His letter to the senate is online. For every charge he responds “partly truthful’ ” partly untruthful” or something like that. Seems to be giving them a way forward with the partly truthful statement.

  5. Can Trump bring up the election fraud in the trial?

    “The legal battle over Donald Trump’s impeachment trial kicked off Tuesday, with the House managers arguing the former president bears “unmistakable” responsibility for the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, and Trump’s team advancing his false claims about the election.” Politico.

    Absolutely he can. There are two charges he faces: that he instigated the Jan. 6 “uprising”, and he made false claims about the election.

    Go Trump! Make Crazy Nancy Pay the price and make her even crazier.

    I don’t see any way he could lose on either count.

  6. … and the clown show goes on, and on, and on.
    Total kayfabe BS, designed to distract you from the fact that the U.S.A. was stolen right out from under the feet of hundreds of millions of armed conservatives.

  7. @Anonymous FEBRUARY 2, 2021 AT 1:35 PM: of course he does because each of the averments includes actual statements of indisputable facts.

    For instance,

    The Constitution provides that the House of Representatives ‘shall have
    the sole Power of Impeachment’ and that the President ‘shall be rem
    oved from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.’”

    The Constitution does indeed give the House Power of Impeachment; however, the House cannot impeach a private citizen, i.e., someone who no longer holds office, and this is Schoen’s response.

    This is the legally proper way of responding to the charges filed against President Trump. Admit the facts, deny the allegations.

    Have faith.

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