Kamala said WHAT? – IOTW Report

Kamala said WHAT?

THAT’S THE PLAN? VP Says Energy Workers Can Help ‘Reclaim Abandoned Land Mines’ and ‘Plug Leaks’.

“Reclaiming abandoned land mines, plugging leaks from oil and gas wells, transferring those skills to the work that has yet to be done.”

SNIP: I had to post this story again because she’s just too stupid to breathe and everyone who actually voted for her needs to own it.

27 Comments on Kamala said WHAT?

  1. Kakamala isn’t bright enough to think it through. The energy workers that she and her mob just threw out of their jobs might not think about transferring their skills to plugging leaks and land reclamation, but rather might think about focusing their efforts on taking care of those who have caused them and their families financial and emotional pain.

  2. I worked heavy marine construction for 13 years
    with Misener Marine in Tampa.Construction workers
    are part of the backbone of America.Hard & tough
    they are.Sometimes rude & crude but they got the
    job done.No city antiquffa skinny jeans could cut it.
    I feel bad for those 50,000 workers and will pray
    for them and their families.God help us with these 2
    evil commie puppets at the helm ! Where is drinkin’
    with Bob when you need him ???

  3. I used to think she was a scheming, cunning bitch like hillary, and that Biden was going to be ruthlessly tossed aside by her faction in a matter of weeks after the election. Now I realize that she’s Biden’s Biden: a dumbass VP who is obviously unfit—and no threat—to replace a dumbass President. She’s got no game, and the people who are pulling her strings are the same people pulling Joe’s. There’s no palace intrigue, only Punch and Judy.

  4. We citizens who make things, grow things, move things, and fix things need to stop doing (or sharing) all that for a little while.

    The rest of y’all can learn to code. Then, call us when you want to discuss.

  5. Commie Kammie only knows how to do two things spreading her legs, and using her mouth, it isn’t for using common sense that’s for sure. I refuse to listen to this arrogant POS spew her self-righteous opinions.

    By the way the election was stolen bitch.

  6. I think a point of clarification is in order here: The country did not “elect” her (or biden); the election was decided by a few so-called “swing states” whose most populated counties conducted massive election fraud using illegal ballots and internal algorithms in the vote tabulating machines. It’s impossible for a candidate to receive portions of votes — legally.

  7. Find every anti-Trump republicant and beat them in the head until they cry uncle.
    They wanted to cooperate and compromise with this stupidity. That’s some opposition party right there.


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