More than 700K November Voters Skipped Georgia Runoffs; Dropoff Highest in Right-Leaning Districts – IOTW Report

More than 700K November Voters Skipped Georgia Runoffs; Dropoff Highest in Right-Leaning Districts


More than 700,000 Georgia residents who voted in the November election did not turn out for the Senate runoff election, according to an analysis from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

The analysis revealed that the dropoff in turnout from the November 3 presidential election to the January 5 runoff election was highest in northwest Georgia and southern Georgia, both Republican-leaning regions of the state.

Counties in northwest Georgia, including Walker, Whitfield, and Catoosa, voted 70–80 percent in favor of former President Donald Trump, for instance, but parts of that region saw a 19–24 percent decline in voters from the presidential election to the runoffs.

The analysis also found that, of the 752,000 voters in total who stayed home for the runoffs, a majority were white. While this correlates to white voters comprising a majority of the electorate, the dropoff percentage was steepest in that demographic. Eleven percent fewer white voters did not show up for the runoffs compared to eight percent fewer black voters, a significant statistic as exit polling in the state shows white voters in 2020 tended to vote Republican while black voters mostly voted Democrat.

The findings coincide with several polls revealing many Republicans did not trust the results of the presidential election, a sentiment Trump reinforced as he repeatedly claimed the election was “rigged” in favor of his Democrat opponent, now-President Joe Biden. read more

19 Comments on More than 700K November Voters Skipped Georgia Runoffs; Dropoff Highest in Right-Leaning Districts

  1. Remember all the talk about boycotting the election? Maybe they did. Off topic but if you like seeing your Coast Guard at work breaking ice You Tube search “Shipcam Algonac.” As I type this there’s a small Cutter literally in front of the camera clearing a space in the ice to possibly dock up for the night. Check Marine City and Port Huron cams also to check the ice on the river. Doesn’t usually happen this early in the season.

  2. Perdue and Loeffler were and are jokes.
    All they hand to do was stand with Trump from the start and in return MAGA would have stood with them.

    Georgia deserved better than Perdue & Loeffler.
    America deserves better Biden.

    According to Doctor Google more than 51,000 Covid deaths since the inauguration of fraudster biden.
    Thats more than a 10.5% inceease in total covid deaths in his first 2 weeks of office.

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

  3. @RadioMatt I’ll skip voting in anything, a local or national election, for the foreseeable future.
    Tea party. Fool me once.
    Trump. Fool me twice.
    I’m done till there’s an alternative to the D’s and R’s.

  4. So the initial steal, Big tech interference, and the Republican response all combined to result in the “Demoralization” that Uri Bezmenov spoke of.

    Too bad, you really needed the Senate to help block President Executive Order and big tech.

  5. Ultimately, Georgia Conservative voters ARE responsible.
    That was the line they chose not to hold.

    Just like Ontario Canuckistan esp. Toronto. No different.

    Both countries in North America run by A Sock Puppet and a Diaper.

  6. Had the GOP fought tooth and nail against the corruption the results would have been different. It’s one thing to not vote because you believe it won’t matter due to corruption. It’s much worse when you see your party leaders don’t give a shit about said corruption.

  7. Why the hell would a conservative show up to vote for a bunch of people who want trump impeached and run out of wash dc on a rail?

    oh, btw, mitchie got his wish. Marjorie t green was kicked off all committees tonight by the house. that’s what georgia voters would have been voting for if they had showed up…..a senate that would have agreed with the dems that Marjorie needed to be given the boot.

  8. AnonTrooper, I agree. It is far more difficult to prove votes were uncounted. I felt the same way in 2012, not that Bro. Mitt deserved it.

    Lin Wood set things up by telling conservatives to boycott. Who will question reports of reduced turnout now? He also eroded the credibility of the presidential election challenges by pushing the most incredulous theories and winding people up to a frenzy. Now the Dems have the excuses they need to clamp down on opposition.

  9. @HungJumper: “It’s much worse when you see your party leaders don’t give a shit about said corruption.”


    If your party’s leaders are PART of the corruption!

  10. I really can’t blame them. Why should we show up to vote when as Biden told us they don’t need our vote? Always remember democrats quit lying about what they’re going to do a long time ago, Republicans still lie, but do it to you as well. No way in hell Republicans aren’t just as guilty as Demoncrats in stealing elections, they just do it in primaries and keep their mouth shut in certain states in general elections so the dems don’t spill the beans.

    When my state gets rid of Hart machines counting votes and tightens the rules on absentee voting and at least only allow military and those actually at least out of the state to vote absentee, I’m not playing their game anymore.

  11. So who’s surprised? When you see a 1/2 dozen counting stations in dem controlled counties all “stopping the counting” at the same time and then videos of trucks backing up and suitcases full of ballots being pulled out from under tables and all we get is Jim Jordan sending tweets, WTF do you expect?

    Cause nothing says your vote counts like a 700,000 Trump vote lead disappear in PA because of 1,000s of Biden only ballots. yeah, pull the other one.

    The dems won’t have to bother with voter fraud ever again. Apathy and millions of legalized illegals make that unnecessary.

  12. Is anyone going to point out the other reason (other than the obvious voter fraud)?
    When someone like Lin Wood urges people to boycott, which some far left trolls also jumped on it on social media, urging Republicans not to vote, you can’t ignore that.
    This is probably not a popular opinion, but some of the Georgia mess is caused by the Republicans, be it the state Republicans, the governor, the state secretary of state, or Lin Wood and others who urged boycott of elections.
    We should have not been there for at least one of the seats to begin with, had the Republicans not challenged each other in Georgia, which ended up in splitting the votes between three Republicans instead of two.


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