Racist Biden DOJ drops lawsuit against Yale that had alleged discrimination against whites and Asians – IOTW Report

Racist Biden DOJ drops lawsuit against Yale that had alleged discrimination against whites and Asians

College Fix: The Department of Justice in October had filed a lawsuit against Yale University, alleging it discriminates against white and Asian applicants during its admissions process, but on Wednesday the department withdrew the litigation.

The Justice Department, now under President Joe Biden, put forth a two-sentence filing in U.S. District Court that gave notice of the government’s “voluntary dismissal of this action,” NBC reports.

“The case had marked an escalation in the Trump Justice Department’s attacks on affirmative action programs that many conservatives consider illegal,” it reported.

When the DOJ had first filed the lawsuit under President Trump’s administration, it argued that a lengthy investigation had found “Asian and White applicants have a significantly lower chance of admission to Yale College than do similarly-situated Black and Hispanic applicants.” more

8 Comments on Racist Biden DOJ drops lawsuit against Yale that had alleged discrimination against whites and Asians

  1. Summary:

    Chinese Chinese = Good
    Chinese American = Bad

    White Druggie Son Hunter = Good
    White literate Kid with IQ = Bad

    Got it! THX <—-(Please don't sue me George Lucas)

  2. Democrats have always been racists, since they fought a CIVIL WAR (and lost) for the RIGHT to OWN PEOPLE AS PROPERTY. Think about it, they expended blood and treasure to their LIMIT to continue to OWN HUMAN BEINGS as PROPERTY! And we have them in office now!

  3. @Walter J

    And now they want cheap mexican labor without paying naturalized Americans. They and their sympathetic companies won’t pay healthcare, they want everyone to pay it for them.

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