GOP Legislative Push Seeks to Stop Biden Admin from Unraveling Iran Sanctions – IOTW Report

GOP Legislative Push Seeks to Stop Biden Admin from Unraveling Iran Sanctions


A legislative push by congressional Republicans seeks to tie the Biden administration’s hands as it pursues diplomacy with Iran and would codify in law a range of tough economic sanctions on Tehran’s global terrorism enterprise.

The three new bills put forward by the Republican Study Committee, the largest conservative caucus in Congress, would make it difficult for the Biden administration to unilaterally lift sanctions on Iran as part of any effort to entice Tehran back to the negotiating table over its growing nuclear program, according to a copy of the legislative package obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The bills represent the opening salvo in the GOP’s efforts to stop Biden from rejoining the nuclear deal and providing Tehran with potentially billions in cash windfalls. The Biden administration says it will only rejoin the agreement if Tehran agrees to scale back its nuclear work.

The RSC’s 160 members says they will stand against sanctions relief for Iran until it ends its support for regional terror groups and rolls back its nuclear program, which Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently disclosed is potentially just “a matter of weeks” away from producing an atomic weapon. While the bills are not guaranteed to pass in the Democrat-controlled House, Republicans say they intend to force their Democratic colleagues to publicly vote in favor of sanctions relief for Iran. read more

7 Comments on GOP Legislative Push Seeks to Stop Biden Admin from Unraveling Iran Sanctions

  1. …you aren’t gonna stop whoever’s telling Biden what to do for shit.

    You don’t even WANT to, you traitors, this is just crap you KNOW will fail that you think you can fundraise off of later.

    You’re all on the same side.

    Against us.

    ..too bad you GOPErs don’t know your history, or you’d know what your Bolshevik Democrat “buddies” are gonna do to you Mensheviks once they have no further use for you, probably soon…

  2. The msm is going to demonize them and push the narrative that they are the enemy of the democracy and everything America stands for. The democrats will call for investigations into all of them.


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