Nevada bill would allow tech companies to create ‘governments’ – IOTW Report

Nevada bill would allow tech companies to create ‘governments’

Well, why not? Big Tech already controls Congress and the *president.


Planned legislation to establish new business areas in Nevada would allow technology companies to effectively form separate local governments.

Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak announced a plan to launch so-called Innovation Zones in Nevada to jumpstart the state’s economy by attracting technology firms, Las Vegas Review-Journal reported Wednesday.

The zones would permit companies with large areas of land to form governments carrying the same authority as counties, including the ability to impose taxes, form school districts and courts and provide government services.

The measure to further economic development with the “alternative form of local government” has not yet been introduced in the Legislature.

Sisolak pitched the concept in his State of the State address delivered Jan. 19. The plan would bring in new businesses at the forefront of “groundbreaking technologies” without the use of tax abatements or other publicly funded incentive packages that previously helped Nevada attract companies like Tesla Inc.

Sisolak named Blockchains, LLC as a company that had committed to developing a “smart city” in an area east of Reno after the legislation has passed. read more

31 Comments on Nevada bill would allow tech companies to create ‘governments’

  1. I think this is a theme in a bunch of dystopian future movies.

    Way to go, Sisolak! Break up NV into autonomous corporate zones.

    Does a State have the authority to establish such frankenstates?

  2. …Also, I was working at Sears when they left the Sears Tower to go run the City of Hoffman Estates IL, which was very much a Company town except it was all executives, and nary was heard a discouraging word about Sears anywhere in Sears Town.’d that work out for them, anyway…

  3. Loco, I get it now. Decades ago my Pop and I were watching one of those implosions in Vegas. You know, they demo an old iconic casino and replace it with some corporate giant casino/family fun center.

    He said something about the inevitability of it all. Then he said something I’ve never forgotten.

    “They’re gonna’ regret kicking out organized crime.”

    I get it now. The Vegas he enjoyed and took his family to was the safest damn place on the face of the planet.


  4. My guess is that they are preparing the ground for Chinese enclaves. The Chinese tried it decades ago during Bubba’s reign but ran onto local and state opposition. It will, of course, appeal to the megalomaniac class as well.

    The governor is lying when he says he is not using tax incentives. Bypassing city and county sovereignty also bypasses city and county taxes, fees and regulations.

  5. I don’t see the problem. People sitting in offices dictating policy. Other people walking into those offices and shooting those people in the face.

    It’s really that simple.

  6. geoff the aardvark
    FEBRUARY 6, 2021 AT 5:13 PM
    “Does this SOB ever smile or does he always have a perpetual scowl on his sourpuss mug?”

    …lots of pols DO smile. Doesn’t make them any less Democrat…

    O most pernicious woman!
    O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!
    My tables—meet it is I set it down
    That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain—
    At least I am sure it may be so in Denmark.”
    -Shakespeare, “Hamlet”

  7. Aaron Burr: I went to several conventions in Las Vegas during the old days. It may have been tacky, but it had a certain charm. MrsRadioMattM and I went to Vegas in 2015 to see Rod Stewart. We thought the town was an arm pit. What they did to Fremont Street was a tragedy. I can’t help but think that that monstrosity was done at the behest of the corporations that own properties on the strip.

    Vegas used to be a safe place to go because the powers that were knew that if it had a reputation for being dangerous, no one would come. Now it is a Mecca for some reason. People want to go just for the sake of going, but I can’t see why. Vegas has no redeeming value these days.

    Back in the late ‘90’s I saw a show on the Discovery Channel that mentioned a study that all of that family friendly stuff was NOT why people went to Vegas. Many of the family things closed after a few years because they defeated the purpose of going to Vegas.

    The best part of our trip to Vegas was going down to see the Hoover Dam. We stopped in Boulder City and I showed my wife what an old American highway with the privately owned motels and things. MRMM is English so she had never see such things, at least none that had turned seedy.

  8. My parents got married in 60 or 61. They went to Vegas and actually saw Louie Prima And Keely Smith. That’s the show all the big name entertainers went to see after their own shows. Mom and Pop have plenty of short lil’ stories about being glad handed by Dean Martin and Joey Bishop….(still not exactly sure who Joe Bisop is, but whatever) But the point was, these HUGE stars would actually wander the Casino floor occasionally and chat with the regular schmoes spending their hard earned money.

    My parents took us to Vegas in the mid 70’s. Caesars Palace every time. Vegas actually looked like Vegas.You could see desert all over the place. As kids we had access to….a game room, a restaurant and the pool. We even got a sort of nanny,”Missy Miss” who occasionally checked in on us kids. Helped us order hamburgers, showed us shuffleboard… probably the floor walker grabbed some drink girl and told her to keep us kids outta the way of the grownups.

    But again, we felt really good. Like we were special. They didn’t have to do that. Pop met Telly Savalis in an elevator on one of those trips. They ended up playing poker together…. after Mr. Savalis ASKED to meet our family. It was like, O.K. kids, your Papa is gonna’ be downstairs with me for a while.

    And he was. Fantastic times.

    To see people wilding in the streets of Vegas or in a casino today…is simply inconceivable to me.

    I’ll keep my happy kid memories of a smoothly running, totally safe and actually not at all boring Caesars Palace.

  9. Joey Bishop was part of the Rat Pack. While he was not the biggest name, he was probably the brains who wrote a lot of their material. He later had his own TV show to go against Johnny Carson but was not successful.

  10. At the time I thought my Pop meant that Vegas was losing it’s ‘soul’. Like the new corporations would lose the personal touch.

    Only now do I realize that he meant the tight control the Mob had in keeping Vegas civilized.

  11. @Aaron Burr – Did you, or your parents ever stay at the Glass Pool Inn??

    Gone now, but went there in 85 on a CC trip…

    My parents were married in ’46…

    GREAT anecdotal story.

  12. Just Caesars for me. Haven’t been to the strip since….76? 77?

    My parents did stay at the Sands once or twice. There used to be not that many casinos. I think one would be the ‘in’ place because it was new, The other places…I’M LOOKING AT YOU CIRCUS CIRCUS were seedy as fudge. Like worn carpet on the floors, bad lighting..gah.

    Caesars had a blue cloud of cigarette smoke hovering over the gambling floor. But that place was spotless. Some men still wore ties. Everyone still dressed for dinner and nite time shows and gambling or whatnot.

    The main thing was the lights on the strip. You used to drive through nowhere and BAM! Vegas. Then you’d wake up, open the curtains and BAM!…Blinding dusty colored sunlight. And not much else. Vegas looked terrible in daylight. Like a half built amusement park. All storefronts with nothing behind them.

    I do remember the ‘hole in the wall gang’. They had them in that ‘Casino’ movie. The main reason I remember is that we didn’t hear anything about while in Vegas, but back in L.A. it was all over the news.

    And no, Telly Savalis did not have a lollypop in his mouth. He did have those lightly shaded 70’s big frameless sunglasses though. No memory of whether or not he had a big 70s scarf or not. Was actually struck silent by his giant bald head. (I was a kid)

    Also, he was loud. Not shouting loud. But big voice loud. Pop came back super late with 1200 or 1700 bucks. And…smelling of…ALCOHOL.

    Just figured that was how Vegas worked. I guess it did. For a while anyway.

  13. Old Ugly Mug is mad at us in Lyon County (and about 3 other counties). Our Commissioners voted to allow places to NOT require masks (even though some still do). The funny part of this is that OSHA has to quarantine 14 days prior to coming into Lyon County to fine businesses for non-compliance.

  14. No no. Mr. Savalis is the guy with the giant bald head who played poker with my dad at Caesars. He was in Kelly’s Heroes and some other war pictures.

    I’m not going to sully that totally cool memory. So I don’t want to hear about spooky Telly Savalis, or Telly Savalis in a hot oil wrestling contest with Shelly Winters. Or evil James Bond villain Telly Savalis…hardly even cannon… or face down drunk in a pile of donuts and Thai hookers Telly Savalis.

    No Sir.

    My Telly Savalis is the guy who met a Marine officer with a big family and showed that guy the time of his life.

    Sorry Vegas sucks now. I’m happy to have experienced, even mostly second hand, just a sliver of the fabled Vegas glamour.


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