‘TheView’ Hosts Accuse Van Jones of Providing ‘Racial Cover’ for Trump – IOTW Report

‘TheView’ Hosts Accuse Van Jones of Providing ‘Racial Cover’ for Trump

Newsbusters: CNN commentator Van Jones, who famously called the election of Donald Trump in 2016 a “white-lash” against a black president, is now apparently not hateful enough for the intolerant left. On The View Friday, liberal hosts Sunny Hostin and Ana Navarro teamed up to bully their guest, accusing him of “providing racial cover” for Trump, even though he’s spent his CNN career attacking the former president.

But before these tense exchanges with Hostin and Navarro, Jones actually criticized the “partisan media” for making Americans hate each other, plugging his new documentary with Meghan McCain called “The Reunited States,” in response to Joy Behar claiming there was “no outrage” from Republicans over Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene:

[Y]ou know, if you look at any of the partisan media, would you have believed that the worst thing in the country is we have awful people in the other party, whatever party that is, and you can’t get anything done in the country until you deal with the awful people in the other party? I think the awful people are a problem. They’re a small problem. The big problem is we have so many awesome people in both parties, all races, all parts of the country. Awesome people who just don’t know what to do because there’s so much noise and nonsense and food fight going on that the good people can’t even be heard….

Apparently Jones’ message of tolerance and bipartisanship wasn’t made for the ears of certain View hosts. Sunny Hostin bluntly accused the very liberal CNNer of being a political opportunist who provided “racial cover” for Donald Trump: MORE

6 Comments on ‘TheView’ Hosts Accuse Van Jones of Providing ‘Racial Cover’ for Trump

  1. With Trump not making noise in the background they are forced to eat their own to keep their blood thirst satisfied. Without sensationalism they have no show because none of them are mentally equipped for meaningful, informative conversation.


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