US Customs: China Flooded the USA with Counterfeit Covid Tests and Masks in 2020 – IOTW Report

US Customs: China Flooded the USA with Counterfeit Covid Tests and Masks in 2020


The Chinese Communists; First they lied about the severity of the disease and allowed it to spread, with their pointless coverups and obstructionism, then they followed up by apparently turning a blind eye while Chinese criminals profiteer off people’s fear and misery, by selling Americans fake Covid products. read more

15 Comments on US Customs: China Flooded the USA with Counterfeit Covid Tests and Masks in 2020

  1. So what?

    It isn’t going to amount to any consequences for China or changes by ourselves to prevent it happening again.

    And no one in a position to actually do anything about it cares enough to pay attention to it anyway.

    Deal with the world the way it is instead of the way you wish it was and you may actually accomplish something.

  2. The bulk of disposable masks and hand sanitizers I’ve seen come from China. While I’ve been able to find US made sanitizer, no US masks are to be seen. I only wear one to keep Karens out of my face, so no big deal. But people who want a quality mask for whatever reason appear to be out of luck.

  3. I got a clock recently because I want the ticking sound. Funny that nearly every clock these days has a silent second hand, hard to find one that ticks. It’s the right size, cost $15 and ticks just at the right volume. Can’t keep time, it has lost an hour in a week or so, just sticks occasionally at the 40-second mark. Made in China. I wouldn’t call their stuff counterfeit, just cheap. You get what you pay for – and then you typically have to replace it several times.

  4. anonymous>

    Accepting China’s corruption is what gave us Joe Biden and the Democrat party. Personally, I don’t care if anyone wears a mask simply because it is placebo therapy anyway. But forgiving China for every corrupt BS thing they do is wrong. Trump was right about China. FUCK THEM and the rickshaw they rode in on.

  5. OH BTW=
    If any of you radio guys DIY electronic
    projects or do repair/restoration on
    radios,hi-fi etc as I do beware the fake
    electronic components on Ebay that come from
    china.Transistors,IC’s and voltage regulators seem
    to be the worst.Never buy the no-name Chinese
    electrolytic capacitors,they are a ticking time bomb…

  6. What difference, at this point, does it make? Biden is opening the border to all and sundry regardless of health status or any other consideration. This will be called his compassion and humanity.


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