CIVIL WAR: Democratic Socialists of America Activist Leaves Group, Accuses DSA of White Supremacy – IOTW Report

CIVIL WAR: Democratic Socialists of America Activist Leaves Group, Accuses DSA of White Supremacy

National File: Brandon Rey Ramirez, who is recognized as one of the top activists for the Democratic Socialists of America, has officially quit the organization, saying that it is being infected by “white supremacy.”

“After 10+ years of involvement, I’ve decided to leave DSA,” Ramirez wrote on Twitter. “Class reductionism, or more plainly – white supremacy, is infecting DSA.”

Specifically, Ramirez believes the socialist motif of a working class struggle against bourgeois elitists is no longer enough. Now, Ramirez indicates, Democratic socialists must also discuss the needs of “marginalized identities,” ostensibly referring to blacks, LGBTQ+, and other Democrat voting blocs.

“There’s hostility towards those who fight for marginalized identities, but protection and reverence to those who speak of class alone.” read more

12 Comments on CIVIL WAR: Democratic Socialists of America Activist Leaves Group, Accuses DSA of White Supremacy

  1. Looking at Africa and then looking at Europe over the ages, maybe Whites actually are superior and “White Supremacy” is the natural order of things?

    It is said that the cream rises to the top, and there is a reason for that saying.

  2. “Brandon Rey Ramirez, who is recognized as one of the top activists for the Democratic Socialists of America, has officially quit the organization, saying that it is being infected by “white supremacy.”

    “After 10+ years of involvement, I’ve decided to leave DSA,” Ramirez wrote on Twitter. “Class reductionism, or more plainly – white supremacy, is infecting DSA.””

    In other words, DSA only appeals to pasty white scrawny soy boys and albino land whale lesbians with neon-colored hair, and that’s not the look you wanna go for.

  3. That’s because “marginalized identities” are a false flag.
    Whatever you identify yourself as, particularly by a “marginalized” identity, you have crowned yourself. If it is “marginalized” that’s because YOU chose a “marginalized” identity for yourself.
    Identities are un-marginalizable. They are simply identities, by which some choose to call themselves. Living at the margins is, mathematically speaking, being in the first or second standard deviation (either end) from the “norm” (the 68% that constitutes “normal”) and if you are, in fact, one of those, you are, indeed, marginal, or at least, ab-normal – not normal – existing outside the “normal” 68%.
    Nothing to bitch about. Your rights, under the dead Constitution, would have been assured, regardless. With the “new” (actually the same old oppressive totalitarian tyranny) there’s no telling, until the Politburo decides.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Even if his worldview were true, why does he care? No matter the cause he will always assert his moral superiority over everyone else in the cause.

    People like that are in these causes in the first place simply to jerk off in public.


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