Ilhan Omar Paid Her Husband’s Firm $2.9 Million During 2020 Election Cycle – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar Paid Her Husband’s Firm $2.9 Million During 2020 Election Cycle

Gateway Pundit:

Must be nice to be a Democrat.

You can shovel cash to family members, and no one investigates.

According to federal filings, Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) campaign paid her husband’s consulting firm $2.9 million during the 2020 election cycle.

That’s 78% of the firm’s intake. more

13 Comments on Ilhan Omar Paid Her Husband’s Firm $2.9 Million During 2020 Election Cycle

  1. This is how the corruption works… right before your eyes,,,

    biden did it.
    maxine waters does it.
    bernie sanders does it.
    they all mother clucking do it.
    Pay family, act as their own media buyers, start PACS, it’s non stop, one scam after another

  2. For 2.9 Million, even I could bone her.

    (after 17 beers, with a pic of Lynda Carter stapled to her head, and a dangerously high amount of little blue pulls)

    Sorry for my shame…

  3. Didn’t we discover this during Hurricane Katrina, when the demtard CONgressman commandeered a National Guard platoon and a deuce & a half, to rescue his freezer full of kickbacks? 🙄


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