New tell-all book by network TV news producer exposes disgusting private behavior of many lefty ‘talented TV a–holes’ – IOTW Report

New tell-all book by network TV news producer exposes disgusting private behavior of many lefty ‘talented TV a–holes’

American Thinker:

By Thomas Lifson

It turns out that lots of AT readers and I despise a number of lefty TV news readers for excellent reasons beyond their bias. Mike and Chris Wallace, Diane Sawyer, Chris Cuomo, Katie Couric, and others are exposed for being miserable human beings in the new memoir by former 60 Minutes and ABC News producer Ira Rosen, titled, Ticking Clock: Behind the Scenes at 60 Minutes. Mary Kay Linge, writing in the New York Post, dishes a lot of gossip taken from the book, which is due out on February 16.

From what she excerpts, the biggest  a-hole sounds like Mike Wallace, but that may be a function of the years author Ira Rosen spent working as a producer at 60 Minutes. Here are some highlights, but if your taste runs to reveling in evidence that your disgust at certain TV figures is abundantly justified, read the whole thing. One of the least acceptable but common abuses of the rich and famous media divas is their tendency to indulge in tantrums toward their less powerful underlings. After a guest unexpectedly cancelled a pending interview with the senior Wallace, Rosen recounts that Wallace flew into a rage while being driven in.

“Mike went crazy,” Rosen writes, grabbing fistfuls of documents from Maraynes’ [another 60 Minutes producer] briefcase and hurling them into his face as he struggled to keep the vehicle on the road.  more

h/t Not at all confused.

27 Comments on New tell-all book by network TV news producer exposes disgusting private behavior of many lefty ‘talented TV a–holes’

  1. Maybe 30 or 40 years ago this book would have been a blockbuster tell-all that knocked media stars off their pedestals. However, now this is a huge yawn. We know they’re sh!t and don’t need confirmation of it.

    Said she, who worked with several of these azzholes for far too long.

  2. “I tuned him out,” his colleague explained wearily. “If you are going to listen to everything he says, you will go crazy, so I figured out a way to go into a cone of silence.”

    Kind of like marriage.

  3. I just wanted to say, I attended a party this evening and the host insisted upon watching the Half-Time extravaganza.
    With it’s “Black National Anthem” promoting racial harmony, the multitude of cut-out attendees, the diversity of the entire half-time show performers with their jock strap masks and message of unity, I declare that POTEMKIN BOWL 1 was a complete success!!!!

    Television is raw sewage… I have not had it for a long, long time and every time I watch it, I know why.

  4. These people are all despicable assholes. The particular details may vary from person-to-person, but the practical effect in the same in all cases. And we’ve already known that for quite some time now…

  5. Well, neons are only good for around 120 thousand miles….

    But I tell ya’ Al, if you DIDN’T pace your amphetamine intake, I bet you could drive that 120K a whole lot faster than in 6 months.

  6. “New tell-all book by network TV news producer exposes disgusting private behavior of many lefty ‘talented TV a–holes’

    LMAO! Someone wrote a book telling us all the liars, etc., in the news media? No one needs to read a book telling us what we already know. I have found that these “tell all” books tell us nothing at all other than you were stupid to buy it in the first place. /just saying

  7. Four of the St Martin’s Press authors joined the petition against a Trump staffer ever being allowed to publish. That’s close enough to say no thanks. Broad brushes sweep in two directions.

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