Michigan: Voter Rolls Being Re-examined, Thousands Of Names To Be Removed – IOTW Report

Michigan: Voter Rolls Being Re-examined, Thousands Of Names To Be Removed

The group ‘Honest Elections Project’ reported that Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced that she intends to remove almost 200,000 names from the registered voter list. One America’s Jack Posobiec has more.

10 Comments on Michigan: Voter Rolls Being Re-examined, Thousands Of Names To Be Removed

  1. Sadly, nothing will change until ALL citizens accept the fact that the Two-Party Myth is a real thing. That, what We the People have been offered for generations, is the illusion of choice. FACT: There is only one party and We the People are NOT invited.
    How to fix it?
    STOP voting with the mindset that our only options are what is on the menu (ballot)… Democrat Turd Sandwich or the Republican Feces Platter… and start OVERWHELMINGLY choosing candidates upon their merits, accomplishments, abilities and character. If that candidate is not available, STEP-UP yourself or convince someone else to run for that office. We need to start a NATION-WIDE Write-in Campaign and NOT choose from what the UNi-Party offers us… which by the way is nothing more than “The Illusion of Choice”. Our “Political Tribalism” is what brought us to where we are in the first place… that and believing the Charlatans and Reprobates that currently occupy OUR government.

  2. My husband was reading this news article to me yesterday.
    I told him to keep in mind, that Jocelyn Benson was the secretary of state that Soros worked so hard and spent tons of $$ to get her elected.
    Her purge of voter rolls at this point, is nothing more than her bitchy way of telling us they no longer need our votes.
    We are not wanted, dead or alive.


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