Growing evidence Capitol attack was pre-planned undercuts Trump impeachment premise – IOTW Report

Growing evidence Capitol attack was pre-planned undercuts Trump impeachment premise

Just The News:

Days before former President Trump’s impeachment trial begins, newly filed federal charges against anti-government activists offer fresh, compelling evidence that the accused perpetrators of the Capitol riots pre-planned their attack days and weeks in advance and in plain sight of an FBI that vowed to be vigilant to extremist threats.

A dozen FBI affidavits supporting charges against the more than 200 defendants show rioters engaged in advance planning on social media sites. The planning included training, casing sites, identifying commanders on scene, and requests for donations of cash, as well as combat and communication gear.

More than a half dozen of the suspects are now charged with conspiracy to commit violence for actions predating the Jan. 6 riots. The early actions identified in court documents date back to November, with planning and rhetoric accelerating after Christmas, court records show.

That growing body of evidence raises questions about whether the FBI and other security agencies acted proactively enough to thwart the violence. It also undercuts the House Democrats’ impeachment claim — supported by 10 Republicans — that Trump’s speech spontaneously incited the riots, legal experts told Just the News. read more

25 Comments on Growing evidence Capitol attack was pre-planned undercuts Trump impeachment premise

  1. Carefully planned and choreographed by the Democrats and Republican establishment. The Republican establishment that was out in front of the cameras outed themselves as the ring leaders among that den of snakes.

  2. Rand Paul brought up schumers calls for killing gorsuch and kavanaugh at the not-so-supreme court riots. Remember when roberts called him out for inciting violence? People have such short memories.

  3. Odd that antifa and blm do the samething. Somebody pays for all their riot gear. Somebody pays for their bail if by some chance they are arrested. Who pays for their little snack trucks that keep those sweet kids going while they burn,loot and tear down peoples livelihoods. The FBI is either incompetent or are told not to find out. The question is by who?

  4. …and that would matter, if this wasn’t a show trial, so Hizzoner some jackass senator pretending to be a judge will just call it inadmissible and move on to the conviction…

  5. Uhhhhh..
    Remember when some obscure video punking moohamid set off a “spontaneous riot” in Benghazi? It’s all about the spontaneity.

  6. Most members of the democratic party have no apparent conscience to guide them in life. Don’t fall victim assuming everyone you run into in life has some semblance of a conscience. Its a assumption that can be corrected by observing, during this phony impeachment, just how the democrats generally think as a group.

  7. It won’t matter if Trump sprouts wings and a halo and wears a white gown as he flies to the trial, the witch hunters don’t give a damn about evidence!!

    They have done nothing but posture on this criminal sham; law not followed, procedure not followed, no testimony, NOTHING!

    This is Nancy’s clown show.

    I really think we need to lock all of the gates in their fence and cut communications. Let’s see how effective fences are! Perhaps that would be the most ‘work’ we see from China Joe’s congress.

  8. This may have been mentioned here already, but it seems rather obvious to me that it was all a part of the complete Election Fraud package, probably line item “E” in the progression of events. The disruption effectively shut down the last opportunity we had to put everything on a ten day hold, and one of the tells as to who knew what was going on were the (more-or-less) prepared statements from the RINOs who said the “insurrection” was enough to cause them to change their intended votes. Too disgusting for words.


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