Liz Cheney: Trump no longer Republican Party leader – IOTW Report

Liz Cheney: Trump no longer Republican Party leader

Keep digging, bitch. Keep digging.

Liz Cheney. RINO Queen.

Washington Examiner:

Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney said former President Donald Trump does not have a “role” in leading the Republican Party after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and a looming impeachment trial.

“Chris, we’re the party of Abraham Lincoln. We’re the party of Ronald Reagan,” Cheney told Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace. “We have to really take a hard look at who we are and what we stand for and what we believe in. I think when you look at both his actions leading up to what happened on Jan. 6, the fact that he was impeached in a bipartisan fashion, the fact that he lost the presidency, the fact that we lost the Senate, we have to be in a position where we can say we stand for principle, we stand for [the] ideal.”

“Somebody who has provoked an attack on the United States capital to prevent the counting of electoral votes, which resulted in five people dying, who refused to stand up immediately when he was asked and stop the violence, that — that is a person who does not have a role as a leader of our party going forward,” she continued adding that “we should not be embracing” Trump.

The Wyoming Republican Party on Saturday voted overwhelmingly to censure Cheney and call for her resignation after she joined nine other GOP House members in mid-January to vote in favor of one article of impeachment accusing Trump of incitement of insurrection in connection to the Capitol siege. The censure acts as a rebuke but carries no penalties. more

27 Comments on Liz Cheney: Trump no longer Republican Party leader

  1. We need to start a new party. I don’t give a rat’s ass what the Dan Bonginos have to say about it. The Republican Party is absolutely worthless when it comes to standing up for American values and the American people. Waiting for the GOP to stand up for the common person is like throwing an anchor to help a person who is drowning.

    Speaking of Dan Bongino, how much you want to bet that the new Parler will start being a bit more “selective” as to what posts it allows.

  2. Claw, i see a third party coming but it will face a two pronged attack, D and R.

    Money, adv time, will be in their favor. And media. But we’d win as long as we had fair elections.

  3. At a rest stop along US Highway 30 the cab door of the 18 wheeler opened and out climbed a driver in the spittin’ image of Frank Zappa. I bid him “Good morning!”. After countless miles in the truck, he had something on his mind and his response to my casual greeting was. “I do not recognize America anymore. I voted Republican all my life. But after watching them turn their backs on the people I canceled my voter registration and said, YOU guys figure it out.”

    I replied, “I feel your pain, Brother and I’ve always been 10 years ahead of my time. I canceled MY voter registration 10 years ago.”

  4. As distasteful as it is, we have two less than attractive choices. One, we keep voting for republicans, and are continuously walked on and disappointed, or two, we start a new party and spend a few years recruiting and convincing former elephants and hopefully a few donkeys that it’s the right thing. There is no easy way out of this mess. I’ve always been against a 3rd party, but I’m so certain that the republicans are just uniparty TRAITORS I can no longer support them.

  5. When I go flying through the trails with my son on our mountain bikes the lead guy yells “HOSS SHIT” (Foghorn Leghorn) so the 2nd man doesn’t catch it on the front tire and wear it on the chin.

    Hey Lizzy, “HOSS SHIT! I say. I say.”

  6. I can’t read one true statement in all that elephant shit she spouted. So toxic can’t even use it, or her, for fertilizer.

  7. The WY GOP censured Lizzy and proclaim they will not ever fund raise for her.

    If she is self-congratulating herself for her “leadership” (ie, betrayal of the POTUS and leader of her worthless party) she is as arrogant and she is delusional.

    Tell us Liz, how could you possibly keep your false campaign promises which the GOP has never kept for DECADES, exc when throttled by Pres Reagan and President Trump, both of whom the likes of your dear daddy and the Bushie trolls have sabotaged despite riding their coattails to personal profit.

    Go make us sammiches, will ya?

  8. Picture heavenly bipartisanship:

    Romney, Cheney, Murkowsky, Snowe, Schmuckles, Pelosi, McCarthy, Schiff, AOC, etc and joining them out of retirement, Ryan, Boehner,

    all pleasure riding in a Helium-filled Zeppelin. In an epic electrical storm….
    … aaahh, serenity now!

  9. The dustbin of History has been getting pretty empty of late. Maybe these worthless (r)s and (d)s can start to refill it with themselves. The Whigs are getting really lonely. Take one for the species, idiots!

  10. Well Ms. Whiny, maybe Trump is not the leader of your elitist click in DC.

    But 75,000,000 Trump voters feel Impeached or Not would disagree.
    Wait and see, this election fraud carries a clear risk of ticking off the sweeping majority of the voter population in 2022. An ALL eyes will be on the Voting process start to finish.

    Even the CONUS/OCONUS filthy Rich donors, that the DC Political system has become controlled by, now know another such Fraudulent Election Coup can’t work again.

    Like Trump or not. Both sides of the voter population clearly see the greater ramifications of allowing fraudulent voting to continue. As it only gives DC and its Donors the power pick our leaders, not We The People.

  11. Soros, et al, will reward her well.

    Liz has sold her soul to Satan – the day will come when she realizes it – and regrets it.

    But in the meantime she will reign as Queen of the RINOs and wield the Scepter of Deceit.

    May God have mercy on her – no American should.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. How Alinsky of her.
    Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it?
    Not in this case sister.
    You keep talking only to the people in your elite bubble and the childish grudge holding Bushies.
    Your career will end.

  13. “The censure acts as a rebuke but carries no penalties”

    Until they can be kicked to the curb and socially and financially ruined, this just “theater” and means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!


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