Massachusetts Climate Official Ismay Proposes ‘Turning the Screws’ to Break Citizens’ Will to Stop Climate Change – IOTW Report

Massachusetts Climate Official Ismay Proposes ‘Turning the Screws’ to Break Citizens’ Will to Stop Climate Change


The Massachusetts Undersecretary for Climate, David Ismay, was caught on a hot mic. In the clip below, he talks about the fact that in his state, 60% of carbon emissions come from average citizens using their cars and using energy in their homes. Then he proposes a solution: break the citizens’ will.


21 Comments on Massachusetts Climate Official Ismay Proposes ‘Turning the Screws’ to Break Citizens’ Will to Stop Climate Change

  1. You may think Ismay sounds crazy, but who here thought that just a short year ago that the democRATz would brazenly steal an election, subvert the Supreme Court, wall-in the Capital with razor wire and mount a campaign to suppress free speech? Take them at their word!!

  2. The Gestapo still exists in Massachusetts.

    I can hardly believe I’m reading this…it is so far removed from our values. What are people going to do in January? Shiver to death?

    Massachusetts residents – prepare to suffer.

  3. BTW – Anyone with half-a-brain would know that there has never been a bigger, unintentional exercise in affecting so-called “climate change” than in the year 2020 when traffic of all types (car, truck, bus, train, airline) as well as manufacturing has been reduced to an all time low! One can only assume that they are out to eliminate ALL productivity. Shutting down the United States is their goal. They won’t be happy until we’re all roasting rats over a 50 gallon drum fire!

  4. When a government hires you for the position of ‘Undersecretary of Climate’ it’s pretty much a given that the only type of person hired for that position will be one who feels and talks that way. Were he to think otherwise he would be out of a job!
    Same with ‘diversity’ czars. If everything is good then their job gets eliminated. Everything is bad! Everything is bad!

  5. If the State of Massholechewsets has an Undersecretary of Climate, and presumably also a Secretary of Climate, then they have absolutely too much of the People’s money in their hands. Doncha think??

    Let’s hope the CT Undersecretary and MA Undersecretary are on the same page, or else their hard work to bridle the Earth’s behavior may go for naught!

  6. It will do no good for MA residents to freeze in the dark because US emissions have been falling despite not being the Paris Accords. The pollution is from China and other industrial developing countries in Asia.

  7. Hard to break the citizens’ will when you’re shivering in the dark because the electrical lines to your house have been cut.
    But I like Hambone’s idea, too.

  8. If you own MA property on Cape Cod. now might be a good time to think about unloading it. Prices are up because Bostonians and New Yorkers are seeking an escape from big-city tyranny.

    But if a Climate Emergency is declared, resort properties nationwide will tank. How do you get to your Summer home if driving is curtailed? Does your home become uninhabitable in the Winter if you can’t heat it?

    DaVinci said, “It’s easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.” Wake the Hell up, people, or die in your sleep!


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