Candace Owens for president? The conservative commentator says she’s considering running – IOTW Report

Candace Owens for president? The conservative commentator says she’s considering running

I love America. Thinking about running for President,” Owens tweeted.

17 Comments on Candace Owens for president? The conservative commentator says she’s considering running

  1. The libs will lose their collective shit if a conservative black woman runs for preezy of the steezy….. how will they apply their identity politics????… I’m sure they’ll find a way.
    I hope she does run…. not that my vote counts or anything….

  2. …well, we’ve had stupider people in the White House, however illegally they came to be there, so we can clearly do worse…

    …and currently ARE…

    …of course its just a pipe dream anyway. There’s no vote, silly, your masters select their mouthpiece, tabulators are programmed to produce that result, and the media calls anyone who questions it an insurrectionist so the FBI can investigate them.

    …so nice idea, just won’t fly against that, you can NEVER vote your way OUT of Communism, only INTO it…

    The election was stolen.
    A pedophile sits in the White House because of fraud.
    And fraudulently elected Democrats busily work to institutionalize fraud as Republicans affirm them so they can recieve their crust of bread from their master’s table.

    …that’s just where we are now with “elections so sorry, gonna have to find another way…

  3. If we could get hold of a couple of those Biden Voting Machines she’d get 81 million votes an hour!

    Biden is a Usurper.
    The Election was Stolen.
    The Wuhan Flu was NOT a pandemic.
    Epstein didn’t kill himself.
    Sandy O’Cortez has a shovel up her ass.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Anyone running for president other than a leftist had best get better at cheating and thievery PDQ, if they expect to win an election for that office from here o out, if such a thing even exists after this last one…

  5. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
    There is an election in 2022, 435 congressional seats, and ? Senate seats.

    Senate? First the impeachment 2.0 betrayers.

    Toomey- PA is retiring, but there are 19 Republican candidates for his job. Rep Mike Kelly is a favorite for now. He’s a car dealer and a tough nut. We’ll see.

    Murkowski-AK Entitled bitch appointed by her daddy will be challenged by….Sarah Palin. Pop the corn.

  6. She is smart and quick thinking. In a video I saw recently she tore apart a “woke” woman in a congressional investigation.

    But as for president, I’ll withhold judgement till I know more about her.

  7. Kinda…No. Candace is very charismatic, smart and convincingly conservative. However, when the pressure is on to be faithful to American Constitutional conservatism, she might compromise.

    Not a feminist, so I have no problem saying women in such a powerful position are less respected or effective than men. Men are better designed to rule – dominate.
    She tends to be a bit self center at times – a showboat personality.

    Also, her husband is a British conservative, who may be moderate, slightly globalist. How would that affect Owens political strategies for our nation.

    Besides, she might have a extremely difficult time getting even close to the incredible MAGA legacy of President Trump.

    Just keep in mind, Owens running for president may be futile if the massive election fraud schemes and operatives are not irradicated.


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