China First – IOTW Report

China First

Patriot Retort:
President🤣 Biden’s China First Agenda sure is cranking up into high gear, isn’t it?

While nobody was paying attention, on January 26 China Xo quietly rescinded a Trump Administration order requiring American schools to disclose their partnerships with CCP front group Confucius Institutes.

According to the Daily Caller, back in August, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned of the link between Confucius Institutes and the Chi-Com government – calling it “an entity controlled by the PRC that advances Beijing’s global propaganda and malign influence campaign on U.S. campuses and K-12 classrooms.”

Now, why on earth would the Biden Administration rescind this order? I mean other than putting China first, there doesn’t seem to be any logical reason to turn a blind eye to the Chi-Coms infiltrating American schools.

As former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright put it:

14 Comments on China First

  1. “…This is exactly the point of Lee Smith’s column “The Thirty Tyrants” at Tablet Magazine.

    It’s a long, very detailed piece, but I highly recommend you read the whole thing…”

    Great reference Dianny – it is a great commentary.

  2. Hey we all know the election was stolen but I just want to say to all the people who voted for Beijing Biden thanks alot, bunch of stupid assholes and you thought Donald Trump was bad? Ain’t seen nothing yet. 🤨

  3. After the great 1976 earthquake in Tang Shan, China, hundreds of thousands were left to die in the rubble or starve to death because the government refused to acknowledge there had been complete destruction of a large and important Chinese city and wanted to keep it a secret. They simply didn’t want the West to know. I was probably the first westerner to see the extent of the damage only days later via satellite imagery. The military targets around Tang Shan were my responsibility at that time and I had been tasked to assess any damage from the earthquake. When I described the damage in my report, my bosses were in disbelief until they saw it themselves. In the following weeks, huge mass graves littered the countryside around Tang Shan along with huge burn pits for burning bodies. The Chinese have a lot of experience burning and burying people and not always from natural disasters. The Nazis had nothing on them.


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