New York Stock Exchange could leave NY – IOTW Report

New York Stock Exchange could leave NY

If new tax is passed

20 Comments on New York Stock Exchange could leave NY

  1. …NY hears.

    …NY don’t care.

    …that’s why they were so eager to install the Pedophile.

    Because no matter where their tax base runs now, the illegitimate Federal Government will be there to take money from them and remand it back to liberal cities and states anyway.

    So it doesn’t matter if they have nothing but untaxed druggies and untaxible BLM as the only ones remaining in the state.

    They will get money from you in Texas, in South Dakota, and anywhere the Fraud-In-Chief holds sway anyway…

  2. So Wall Street has no faith in NY leadership in Albany running the NYS budget in a efficient way? But other NYS taxpayers, me for example, should?? It sure tells why people are dashing out of the state to far far away places that aren’t run by democrats.

  3. The metastasis is ongoing. The locusts strip one field and move on to the next. No one should want any tech company, large business of any kind or heaven forfend wall street people to come to their state. They bring their self destructive habits from pedophilia through voting leftist with them.

  4. The owner of the NYSE was a rabid Trump hater. When Trump issued EOs to block the sale of Chinese investment vehicles on our stock exchanges, he told Trump to kiss off.

    And guess what? Not shit was done.

    His name is Jeff Sprecher and if you don’t know who he is married to, you’d never guess in a 1,000 years. Fucking insidious. We’re nothing more that cockroaches to them.

    Try to tell me this country isn’t being run by communist oligarchs.


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